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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 347

Love from My Dominant Boss Chapter 347

Michael would have gone to the office at this hour. Is it because of the wedding last night that he is too tired to follow his routine today?

I was still lying in Michael’s arms at the moment. My clothes had long been stripped off. I felt speechless when I looked at my naked body and Michael, who was also in the nude.

I wondered why he took off my clothes despite the fact that we couldn’t have sex. Wouldn’t it be more unbearable?

I shifted slightly. It seemed that I had slept in the same position for the whole night. My body felt unusually heavy and sluggish.

Michael was a light sleeper. Following my single movement, he opened his eyes and looked at me. There were traces of fatigue in his gaze.

“Why are you up so early? Don’t you usually sleep until noon?”

His voice was hoarse with morning tiredness.

“Why are you still sleeping? Isn’t it time to wake up and head to the office?”

I looked at the time. It was already ten in the morning. Michael would already be at the office around this time in the past. Strangely enough, he was still here with me. Has he decided to skip work?

“Office? We just had our wedding yesterday, and now you force me to head to work? Don’t tell me you want to give up our honeymoon?”

Michael raised his brows. A trace of dissatisfaction flashed through his eyes as he looked at me.

“Honeymoon? Are we going to have a honeymoon?”

I looked straight into his eyes and threw the question at him in surprise.

I thought he would get busy with his work after the wedding. Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to go on a honeymoon.

“Do you think I would want to end my wedding hastily like that? My woman deserves the best. Where would you like to go on our honeymoon? I will spend a month together with you.”

Michael stared at me with a grin. The tiredness had already disappeared from his face.

“I want to visit Pillere. What do you think?”

Without a second thought, I spoke up and looked at Michael excitedly. The thought of going on a honeymoon with him was exhilarating.

He had always been occupied with work. So when he suggested that we go on a honeymoon, I felt like I was in a dream.

“Okay, we will go wherever you want.”

An affectionate smile played around his lips as he spoke. The next second, he pulled me into his arms.

“Michael, it’s great to have you around.”

Lying in his arms, I somehow felt that the happiness came to me too quickly and unexpectedly. I had never thought that I would have such a happy life.

“Since you’re happy with me, don’t you think it’s your turn to satisfy me? I’ve been suppressing my desire since last night. And you’ve had enough sleep now.”


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