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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354 Josephine Changed Her Attitude

As I entered, I could smell the aroma of the dishes wafting in the air. Ever since I got pregnant, I noticed that I had become sensitive to such smells, and I would also eat a lot after my morning sickness.

We then sat in the living room and chatted with Lincoln and Andy. Though Andy was a man of old age, he was forward-thinking. Hence, I felt no burden when I talked to him.

Michael, while we were chatting away, sat next to me. His gaze was always on me too. Whenever I laughed at Andy’s jokes, he would smile along, and whenever he looked at me, his eyes were full of affection.

Just when I was indulging in my conversation with Andy, Josephine descended from upstairs, and the smile on my face disappeared instantly. From the bottom of my heart, I really didn’t like her.

“Anna, you’re here.”

“Mom.” Get new chapters update on novelheart.com

Josephine’s gaze was different today. There was no hostility. Oddly enough, she looked hospitable. I was shocked when I noticed it. What happened to her? Can pigs fly all of a sudden?

“Anna, I’m sorry for being rude to you the other day. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again,” Josephine apologized after taking a seat next to me and grabbing my hand. A faint smile was on her face too.

Seeing such, I turned to Michael confusingly. What’s wrong with her? She was so angry at me the other day! Why would her attitude change so drastically?

I was uncomfortable with Josephine’s strangeness that day. Despite that, I tried to be as polite as I could. After all, she didn’t say anything inappropriate to me.

I then turned to Josephine and smiled at her before saying, “Mom, what’s past is past. I was rude too. Please forgive me for that.”

“It’s okay. I don’t blame you. We are family, after all. Plus, you’re pregnant. I should have paid attention to my attitude. It’s my fault for not being nice to you.”

Josephine would surely be full of rage in the past if I dared to mention the gender check incident. However, her attitude that day left me confused as I couldn’t wrap my head around her intention.

It was undeniable that she was polite to me, but I just wasn’t used to it. She was cold and distant to me previously, yet, just after one day, she became warm and welcoming. I highly doubted that anyone could adapt to such drastic change.

Is it because she doesn’t want to be rude to me in front of others? I looked at her confusingly.

That doesn’t make sense. She was rather outspoken about wanting me to leave Michael previously. I doubted that she would change so drastically just because of shame.

Michael frowned when he noticed the change in his mother’s attitude. It seemed that he couldn’t wrap his head around Josephine’s change too.

But when I turned and met his gaze, he said nothing.

Just then, Andy, who had been chatting with me, spoke to Michael. “Michael, I need you to come upstairs with me. There is a new developing project that I want you to take a look at.”

With that, he stood up and headed upstairs. Get new chapters update on novelheart.com

Could she have changed her mind? But that’s almost impossible. Her determination to have a grandson was so strong before. I can’t imagine she would change her mind within a few days. Get new chapters update on novelheart.com


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