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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 356

Love from My Dominant Boss Chapter 356

“Anna!” Michael shouted as he stared at me. His beautiful brows were frowning. He was furious upon seeing how emotional I was.

As I stared into his eyes, I noticed a glint of dissatisfaction in his sharp gaze.

I let out a sarcastic laugh without saying anything. The next second, I opened the door and got out of the car. I did not want to spend another second around Michael. He had utterly disappointed me. Get new chapter update on noveljar.com

As soon as I got out of the car, Michael caught up to me. He shouted my name along the way, but I ignored him and strode forward.

“Where are you going?” Suddenly, he reached out to grab my arm. His tone was full of rage and impatience.

That was the first time Michael got angry with me. He had never spoken to me in that tone before. Upon hearing that, my heart grew heavier.

“I don’t want to see you now. I need some time alone.” I lowered my head, avoiding his eyes. Then, I struggled with all my might to break free from his grip.

Before I managed to leave, Michael grabbed my arm hard again. It seemed like he did not plan to let me go. “Where do you want to go at such a late hour? You’re pregnant. What if something dangerous happens to you?”

“Are you worried about me because my baby is a boy? Would you still care about us if she happened to be a girl? If she were a girl, nothing would matter to you anymore, right?” I questioned with an icy tone. That was the only thing I could think about right then.

“Anna, you’re being unreasonable!” Michael’s face turned grim upon hearing my words. He was so mad that his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.

If it were before, I would never have the audacity to retort him. However, I was not afraid at all now. Anger was the only emotion in my heart. Get new chapter update on noveljar.com

“Unreasonable? Well. I guess so!” I broke into a self-deprecating laugh and struggled to break free from him again. “Stop following me. I want to be alone right now. Don’t worry. I’ll protect the heir of your family well.”

I looked at him mockingly as I finished my sentence. Finally, I strode away without sparing him another glance.

I felt like a swinging bachelorette without Michael by my side. My parents had gone back to their hometown, so I had nowhere to go then.

Other than Michael, Natalie was the only person in town who could make me feel safe. She was my only sincere friend. No matter what happened to me, she would always be on my side.

Finally, Michael gave up on stopping me. However, he followed me around slowly with his car. I knew that he was there, but I ignored his presence.

I knocked on the door as soon as I arrived at Natalie’s house. After a long time, she finally opened the door. Her clothes were messy, and her face was blushing unnaturally.

“Anna, what brought you here at this hour?” Natalie widened her eyes in astonishment. There was panic in her eyes too.

“I’m just in a bad mood. Can I stay at your place tonight?” I looked at Natalie with grief written all over my face. Then, I took a step forward to walk into her house.


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