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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 50

I flashed a small smile at Millie and said, “You’re the only one here who treated me like an equal. Thank you for that, Millie.”

Even though Millie and I weren’t that close, I already regarded her as my friend because she never once looked down on me or ridiculed me.

The security guards flanked me and grabbed my arms, ready to drag me out. However, being thrown out was an absolute insult to me. As such, I shot Conrad a vicious glare and broke free from the guards.

“I can walk on my own!” I snapped.

Then, I snatched up my bag and was about to walk out when I heard a mild commotion.

Right then, an employee who was closest to the door exclaimed, “Mr. Shaw is here. Oh my God! I can’t believe he’s here in our department!”

Mr. Shaw? Michael?

I panicked as the first person who came to my mind was Michael. For some inexplicable reason, my heart started beating wildly in my chest.

Why is Michael here? Could it be because of me?

Michael was dressed in a full black suit which complemented his tall figure. He strode in with his signature icy expression and unreadable obsidian eyes. His chiseled face was gorgeous yet unapproachable, and his intimidating aura effectively kept people a distance away from him.

This was the first time I saw him look so serious. His commanding presence was much stronger than usual. I couldn’t deny that this man was born to rule.

There were two secretaries trailing behind him with equally serious expressions.

My heart was still pounding erratically as my eyes followed Michael’s every move.

Conrad was also momentarily stunned. When he finally regained his senses, he scurried over to greet Michael.

As he stood before Michael, he broke into an ingratiating smile and asked cautiously, “What brings you here, Mr. Shaw? Is there something I can do for you?”

Michael glanced at me casually before questioning, “What’s going on here?”

My heart skipped a beat when our eyes met, but it was only a fleeting moment because he shifted his gaze the next second and didn’t look at me again.

His eyes when he looked at me was without emotion as though I was merely a stranger to him. Although I knew Michael didn’t want anyone to know about our relationship, his impassiveness still made me feel disappointed.

At the end of the day, we were merely bed buddies. Apart from that, there were no emotions involved. To him, perhaps I was only a tool to fulfill his sexual appetite.

Conrad panicked further upon hearing Michael’s question.

“Do I need to repeat myself?”

Before Conrad could formulate a response, Michael’s brows drew together slightly, and his gaze on the former turned frosty.

“No, no. I heard you.” Sensing Michael’s murderous aura, Conrad swallowed with difficulty before continuing, “A female employee said something inappropriate in the office, so I ordered security to escort her out.”


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