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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 56

He sat up, eyes fixed on me, and challenged me with the question.

I looked away in panic. I had no idea why I was so easily intimidated by him and his piercing gaze, even though I did no wrong.

“I did not forget our agreement. The problem is my family has been pressuring me to get married due to my age. My parents are getting old, so I do not want them to worry for me anymore.”

Every time my parents called, they would nag at me to get a boyfriend. I did not have anyone in mind at that moment, but I did not want to let them worry for me.

Michael silently stared at me for a while after I explained my situation. Then he said, “You can find yourself a boyfriend, but until you get one, we maintain our relationship!”

I was frustrated by his offer and wanted to reject that proposal. However, I knew my demand to end the relationship after receiving his money was unreasonable, so I had to swallow my protest.

“Okay. Agree. We’ll end our relationship when I get a boyfriend.”

It was not the perfect outcome I wanted, but I was relieved he gave me a way out of our relationship.

“Um.” He gave me an intense look, acknowledged our new deal, and turned to sleep with his back facing me.

I was relieved as that was a huge load off my mind. I fell asleep while thinking about how to get myself a decent man in the shortest time possible.

When I woke up the next morning, I was a tad disappointed Michael had already left. I should not have any desires for Michael as we would go our separate ways once I have a boyfriend. With that thought in mind, I got dressed and left the apartment too.

Over the next few days, I made finding a boyfriend my top priority and went on blind dates every day after work.

Love was no longer a consideration for me. I had devoted myself to someone for many years, only to be repaid with betrayal. I no longer had faith in that abstract concept of love.

My requirements were simple, a stable and decent man who would stay faithful in our marriage. Most importantly, he had to be a man whom my parent could trust so they would not have to worry for me anymore.

After I told Natalie about my wish to find a boyfriend with marriage in mind, she had been busy keeping a lookout for me.

However, all the blind dates I went to were disastrous. The men were either unbearable to look at or lecherous, with only sex on their minds.

Even though I had no high hopes I would find love, the least I could expect was someone pleasant to look at. I had difficulty accepting those ugly and lustful ones.

The never-ending cycle of work followed by blind dates drained me out. Every night, I would fall flat in bed and fall asleep once my head hit the pillow.

And Michael seemed to have vanished from my world. He had not contacted me for many days. Sometimes I wondered if he had already forgotten about me. Or maybe he had found a new love and no longer needed me.


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