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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 68

“Is there still a need for pretense in front of me, Anna? Before you get acquainted with Yuval Lambert, you were very enthusiastic in bed with me. But now that you’ve got another man, you’re starting to resist, huh?”

Michael’s voice was cold, and the desire in his eyes had long since vanished without a trace. At that moment, I couldn’t discern any emotion from his eyes as he stared at me.

At his repeated mentions of Yuval, the wrath within me skyrocketed. What the hell is wrong with him? How has Yuval offended him? Besides, nothing happened between me and Yuval, so he has no right to disparage me like that!

“Michael Shaw, let me tell you this. My relationship with Yuval isn’t as filthy as you think. We’re dating with the goal of marriage, unlike my friends-with-benefits relationship with you!”

I looked at him in derision while glowering indignantly.

Regardless of whether I have any feelings for Yuval, the fact remains that we’re dating for marriage and not for pleasures of the flesh! Plus, he’s really a gentleman. It’s almost a month since we got acquainted, but he has never crossed any lines with me.

“Oh, you’re defending him now, huh? Anna, don’t you forget that you’re still my woman for half a year starting today!”

Men had always been possessive creatures, especially when two men were fighting for the same woman. They would never back down as their domineering nature reared its head.

Despite my ire, I had no retort since I indeed agreed to his stipulation earlier.

At my silence, he threw me a look before he again started stimulating me. However, my arousal had largely dissipated after our row just now, and I didn’t feel much anymore despite his roaming hands then as my mood had been wholly ruined.

This time, he was no longer as patient as before. He merely did some foreplay perfunctorily and went straight to intercourse.

“Stop it, Michael! Stop!”

Placing my hands against his chest, I wanted to push him away, but he simply pinned me like a massive boulder and refused to move.

Conversely, my resistance had him going increasingly wilder.

And so, I was forced to endure his frenzied thrusts. No matter how painful it was for me, he didn’t slow down the slightest bit. At that moment, I finally realized that I was only a tool for him to satiate his desires.

Despite having known each other for such a long time, he had no feelings for me. The only reason he sought me out was nothing more than to satisfy his physical urges.

About half an hour later, he was finally done.

“Are you done with me? If so, I’m leaving.”

Enduring the pain at the juncture of my thighs, I sat up and straightening my clothes. Right then, I didn’t want to see him for even a second longer.

“Are you in such a hurry to leave because you want to go and meet Yuval Lambert?”

Michael remained sprawled on the bed without stopping me, but the words out of his mouth enraged me once again.

He had been bringing up Yuval time and again ever since we met today, irritating me greatly. Damn it, what has my relationship with Yuval got to do with him? Why the hell is he harping on it?


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