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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 79

Leaning closer to me, the man whispered in my ear sensuously.

His slender finger gently traced the outline of my face and headed downward. My skin heated up wherever it went.

I knew that I might lose myself in his extremely tantalizing skills in no time. With the remaining sensibility left within me, I shoved him away.

“I… I’ll take a shower now.”

My heart thumped frantically as I scuttled into the bathroom in haste.

In frustration, I cursed myself for being pliable in our relationship. The man could always stir me up so effortlessly.

Taking off my clothes, I stood under the showerhead and let the warm water stream down my body. The mere thoughts of what was going to happen next put me on edge, yet it thrilled me.

Half an hour later, I turned off the valve. Only then I realized I didn’t bring my pajamas along when I scurried into the bathroom in a rush earlier.

And since Michael had wrapped himself with a towel, the entire bathroom was left with only a towel.

Feeling stuck and helpless, I paced up and down nervously. Although he had seen every inch of my body, I just couldn’t bring myself to move about without any clothes on brazenly.

“Anna, are you done showering?”

Michael’s impatient voice sounded outside the bathroom when I was still in a dilemma over whether I should seek his help to get my pajamas.

“Yeah, I’m done, but I forgot my pajamas. Can you get it for me?”

Since the man had spoken, I might as well ask him to bring me my pajamas instead of hesitating.

There was no response from outside, and the anxiety in my heart ceased. He must have been gone to get my pajamas. I wonder if he can find it.

I was still engrossed in my thoughts when the bathroom door burst open all of a sudden, and Michael’s dashing face came into view unexpectedly.

My eyes widened in shock, and I was stupefied. A few seconds later, I recollected myself and yelped, covering myself with both hands.


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