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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 85

He was taken aback by my deriding remark as I was always soft-spoken and composed in front of him.

“Are you calling me a disgrace in your life? I dare you to repeat yourself!”

His grip got even tighter than before, and my wrists hurt so badly that I almost shrieked. Regardless, I wasn’t going to back down anymore. No matter how weak he thought I might be, I had my dignity to defend.

He assumed that I was this gold-digger who wanted all the fortune and fame. If I gave in, it simply meant that I agreed to all his assumptions.

“It’s gonna be the same, Michael Shaw. You’re the utmost disgrace in my life!”

Tonight, he’d put me on the warpath. Even a weakling had its limits, and this time he’d gone too far!

As soon as I spoke, his chest pumped up and down in fury.

“Anna, bear in mind that you started it. Have you forgotten that you seduced me for two hundred thousand?”

I froze instantly; he was right. It was me who had seduced him and climbed onto his bed for Dad’s operation money. I needed it by hook or by crook, but little did I know that my cynical plan would lead to this.

Only now did I realize that my decision then was a terrible mistake. I should’ve looked for other means, sold my organs, anything but seeking help from the devil.

Since we started this “relationship,” I couldn’t even live my life the way it was. Was all this misery worth that two hundred thousand?

“Michael, can you show me some mercy? I’m beat. Do you know how much pressure I have to bear?” I sighed, and my tough shell cracked. “At the end of the day, I’m just a woman, and I need someone to lean on. My Dad is sick. He needs a sum of money every month for his treatment. Carrying the weight of the whole family on my shoulders is killing me already. Let me go, please, I beg you. I’ll find ways to pay you back.”

At that moment, settling the bill was the only idea I could come up with to cut ties with him. If I didn’t owe him anything, I wouldn’t have to continue this shameful affair.

I wasn’t fishing for pity, but just lamenting.

However, all he did was look at me blankly, somewhat confused.

He stopped lashing his wrath at me soon after that. Since I told him that I was going to pay him back, he should be more than willing to let me go… Right?

The man remained silent and let go of my hand. Those dark eyes of his were affixed to mine. The things I’d said all came from my heart, and I was just hoping that he could see the pain and hardship that I was going through.

Weirdly, instead of feeling relieved, I felt a void in me after pouring my heart out.

He gave me another glance, turned around, and left.

I only got back to my senses when the door gave out a loud thump after he walked out of the house.

That was it. He left. I supposed we were done.


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