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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 91

I huffed. “I took a day off because my best friend broke up with her boyfriend, and I need time to make sure she’s doing alright, okay?”

I couldn’t help but wonder whether Michael was trying to start an argument on purpose.

Michael grew quiet. After a few seconds, I heard him hang up on me.

“What the hell?” I stared at my phone with a deadpan expression. He’s been acting weirdly irritating these past few days.

Deciding not to pay it much mind, I bought takeaway food for breakfast and went back to Natalie’s place. When I first got dumped, she had been there for me all throughout my healing process; now, it was my turn to do the same for her.

Natalie was already awake when I got back, her legs drawn up to her chest as she hugged them and stared off into space.

I set the food down on the dining table and approached her.

“Why didn’t you sleep for a while longer?”

“I can’t. Every time I close my eyes, the memory of him with that girl resurfaces in my mind.” She gave me a sidelong glance, her eyes starting to grow watery again.

Upon that, I sighed and sat down beside her to wrap my arms around her, feeling slightly at a loss for what to do. “This is all going to pass. Look at me; I’m doing pretty good right now! You’ll be able to forget him eventually; I promise.”

Heartbreak was never a permanent emotion, and scars would fade with time. I still felt uncomfortable whenever I thought about Justin again, but the memory of him didn’t hurt as much as it first did when we broke up.

“Have you really moved on, Anna? You really don’t feel sad anymore?” Natalie asked curiously.

“Yup! Trust me; you’ll be able to move on too. Getting sad over a*sholes like John isn’t worth it. We deserve much better than that.”

“But, I don’t know…” She clutched onto my arm. “I feel like I’ve lost everything without him with me. What do you think I did wrong, Anna? What went wrong?”

“He’s just a piece of trash, Natalie, and there’s nothing you can do to change that! None of this was your fault. He would never appreciate you and cherish you for who you truly are, no matter what you did. You have to wake up and realize the kind of person he is!”

Why can’t she see that it’s not worth getting all worked up over someone who doesn’t deserve her love and attention? Does she still hope to get him back?

Natalie stared at me with wide eyes. After a long while, a veil seemed to lift from her eyes, and her shoulder slumped. I knew that my words had gotten through to her rationality, but they might need some time to get through to her heart.

It was just that the thought of her being this sad over John, who likely didn’t even regret his actions, infuriated me.

Tears ran down Natalie’s face, but I offered no more words of comfort, instead opting to pull her to sit down at the dining table.


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