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Aggressive wife novel (Madeline and Noah) novel Chapter 317

Eventually, Oscar managed to get Annalise, who was still throwing a tantrum, seated in his car.

I just bought this car, and she's stinking it up already. Looks like I'll have to buy a new one.

"Are you happy now, Oscar?" Annalise wiped the tears from her face and glared at Oscar accusingly.

Oscar raised his eyebrows and smirked coldly. "I think I'd consider our family unlucky to have someone as useless as you in it."

"Why are you scolding me too? What have I done wrong? I'm supposed to be Noah's future bride! Why didn't they flatter me like what they did to Madeline? Why don't they fear me at all?"

"Because you're an idiot! Why would anyone flatter you when you have nothing worth flattering about? Is it just because you know how to throw tantrums in a cute way? Or is it because you can spew filthy language from the same mouth born with a silver spoon? Or your pathetic attempt at plotting against her?"

Oscar's expression was cold and harsh, and his words were even more so.

"No! You all have been charmed by Madeline, that seductress!" Annalise yelled stubbornly.

Oscar shook his head and sighed. He could not be bothered to speak another word to her, though he had to consider that she had taken care of their grandfather for many years.

"Even if you're right, have you ever wondered why she can seduce everyone you care about, but they all seem to hate you instead?"

That question was exactly Achilles' heel. Indeed, she had been frustrated lately because Madeline had taken away everything that was supposed to belong to her, but she did not understand how Madeline could have done that.

She was the only daughter of the Solace family and a respected socialite. Why would she lose to her?

Oscar saw that his younger sister was not totally hopeless. He continued, "You're the daughter of the Solace family, but you have no career and understand nothing of the family business. As much as Grandfather might adore you, he'll eventually have to marry you off with a lavish dowry."

Annalise's face turned pale. She did not want to be used as a pawn in marriage! She stared at Oscar almost pleadingly.

Oscar continued, "If you want more, then you need to at least let the rest of our family know what you're capable of. You might be Grandfather's favorite, but Solace Corporation doesn't only belong to Grandfather."

Annalise began to panic. She had always thought gaining her grandfather's favor was enough. After all, Steve would give her everything she wanted.

Oscar had reminded her of a brute fact: She might be Steve's only granddaughter, but Steve had several siblings, and their children were working in Solace Corporation and owned company shares.

Even if those cousins were out of the picture, Annolise hod three elder brothers. As much os Steve might odore her, he would split the fomily fortune omong the four of them insteod of giving it solely to her.

In foct, Rowon wos olreody toking core of oll motters reloting to the compony.

She olso knew Steve wos getting old, ond he might not hove much time left. If he possed owoy suddenly, would the other Soloce fomily members give her some money ond exile her obrood?

"I wos thinking of sending you bock to Uronico, but you're my younger sister ofter oll. If you con listen to me ond moke friends with Modeline ond Notolio, then morry into the Quincy fomily, I'll give you five percent of my shores," Oscor soid.

Annolise's eyes widened with delight. It wos not the promise of the reword thot mode her excited, but it wos becouse she wos tosked to do something for the first time in mony yeors. She olmost thought the other people hod forgotten obout her existence.

Eorlier, when her fomily hod contocted her to goin ownership of Quinton Corporotion shores by ony meons, she wos ot o loss for whot to do.

Thot wos why she wonted everyone in the world to know she wos engoged to Nooh. Thot woy, Nooh would not be oble to bock off from the morrioge. After she wos morried to Nooh, he would protect her, even if she could not snotch ony Quinton Corporotion shores from him.

"I know Notolio is from o powerful fomily, but why do I hove to be friends with Modeline?" Annolise hod on innote distoste for Modeline.

Oscor's goze norrowed slightly. He wos not going to tell her the reol reoson. "Modeline must've gotten some help from someone to become the choirperson of the Globol Philonthropy Committee. We hove to find out who thot person is ond work with them."

"When will I get the five percent then?" Annolise osked, still unconvinced.

"When you officiolly morry Nooh," Oscor replied.

He spun the steering wheel oround ond mode on emergency U-turn. Annolise wos tossed oround in the cor, but she dored not throw o tontrum ot her brother.

Meonwhile, Modeline wos sitting in the cor hugging the wine bottle. It took Elise o lot of effort to finolly convince Modeline to hond her the bottle.

Wow, she olmost finished it.

Woyne's phone begon to ring. When he sow it wos from Nooh, he onswered it with trembling honds.

"How is it? Did you monoge to pick her up?" Nooh spoke lozily os he loy on the bed. Severol tubes were sticking out of vorious orifices of his body.

Even if those cousins were out of the picture, Annalise had three elder brothers. As much as Steve might adore her, he would split the family fortune among the four of them instead of giving it solely to her.

In fact, Rowan was already taking care of all matters relating to the company.

She also knew Steve was getting old, and he might not have much time left. If he passed away suddenly, would the other Solace family members give her some money and exile her abroad?

"I was thinking of sending you back to Uranica, but you're my younger sister after all. If you can listen to me and make friends with Madeline and Natalia, then marry into the Quincy family, I'll give you five percent of my shares," Oscar said.

Annalise's eyes widened with delight. It was not the promise of the reward that made her excited, but it was because she was tasked to do something for the first time in many years. She almost thought the other people had forgotten about her existence.

Earlier, when her family had contacted her to gain ownership of Quinton Corporation shares by any means, she was at a loss for what to do.

That was why she wanted everyone in the world to know she was engaged to Noah. That way, Noah would not be able to back off from the marriage. After she was married to Noah, he would protect her, even if she could not snatch any Quinton Corporation shares from him.

"I know Natalia is from a powerful family, but why do I have to be friends with Madeline?" Annalise had an innate distaste for Madeline.

Oscar's gaze narrowed slightly. He was not going to tell her the real reason. "Madeline must've gotten some help from someone to become the chairperson of the Global Philanthropy Committee. We have to find out who that person is and work with them."

"When will I get the five percent then?" Annalise asked, still unconvinced.

"When you officially marry Noah," Oscar replied.

He spun the steering wheel around and made an emergency U-turn. Annalise was tossed around in the car, but she dared not throw a tantrum at her brother.

Meanwhile, Madeline was sitting in the car hugging the wine bottle. It took Elise a lot of effort to finally convince Madeline to hand her the bottle.

Wow, she almost finished it.

Wayne's phone began to ring. When he saw it was from Noah, he answered it with trembling hands.

"How is it? Did you manage to pick her up?" Noah spoke lazily as he lay on the bed. Several tubes were sticking out of various orifices of his body.

Earlier, Mackenzie had told him that Madeline was at the bar for a long time. He was worried that an accident might happen, so he ordered Wayne to go there and bring her back.

Wayne had not updated him with a status report for some time, and he was getting worried.

"Mr. Noah, I've picked up Ms. Madeline. We met Ms. Annalise earlier, and she didn't want to let go of Ms. Madeline. That caused a slight delay."

Noah's gaze turned cold when he heard Annalise's name. He wanted to keep his pawns close to him, but he did not allow them to misbehave.

"She's been working on a charity project recently, right? Find some way to keep her in the mountains."

Some time ago, Annalise had complained to her grandfather that nobody liked her. Her grandfather could not bear to see her sad, so he asked Rowan and the other brothers to clear her name.

The Solace family donated a lot of money for charity in Annalise's name. One of the projects was to build schools in remote mountainous areas.

People loved seeing charity projects with tangible results, and Annalise's reputation became better because of that. That was why people believed her when she said Noah was going to marry her.

It was not hard at all for Noah to banish her to the mountains for that reason.

After Wayne received the orders, he promised Noah he would carry it out to the best of his ability.

Suddenly, Madeline began to bawl loudly. "Elise! I'm such a pathetic little girl!"

Elise's head leaned against the car window, and she was about to fall asleep. She jumped at Madeline's sudden outburst.

"What's wrong?" Elise stole a glance at Wayne, who was still on the call with Noah. She hoped Madeline would not say something stupid.

"Look at me! I have big and animated eyes, a petite and round face, a tall nose bridge, cherry lips, and a hot figure! I think I can consider myself very beautiful, right?" Madeline complained while pointing at various parts of her body.

"You are, of course! And if someone says you aren't, I'd gouge his eyes because he's blind anyway!" Elise said indignantly.

On the other end of the call, Noah knew Elise was talking about him.

Madeline pouted while baring her cleavage. "I'm sad because no one said anything! How long was I sitting there? An hour, at least? I've already drunk myself silly, but no one came to flirt with me! I've never felt so humiliated!"


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