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Aggressive wife novel (Madeline and Noah) novel Chapter 322

The bodyguards brought Mackenzie to the security control room. From the screen, Mackenzie could see Noah fighting against the men in the study. Noah managed to snatch a weapon from one of the men and swiftly dispatched the rest of them.

In another room, several men dressed in black and wearing gas masks entered through the window. Once inside, they opened a bottle. Smoke poured out and soon filled the entire room.

Noah and the bodyguards were heading to that room.

Mackenzie's instincts told her there was something dangerous about the smoke. However, Noah had almost reached the room.

Suddenly, Mackenzie remembered the robot bee from Thomas.

She quickly released the bee and flew it in front of Noah.

The bodyguards heard the buzzing sound and wanted to hit the bee. However, Noah stopped them.

He could recognize that it was Thomas and Mackenzie's bee. They gave Colt one too.

The bee circled in front of Noah as though intending to lead him somewhere.

"Follow it," he ordered the bodyguards and stared at the closed room door intently before slowly retreating.

The bee led them to the easternmost guest room on the first floor.

Mackenzie's voice was heard in one of the bodyguards' walkie-talkies. "Watch what I can do, Daddy!"

Noah considered that Mackenzie was in the basement, and she was not in danger of being caught or found out. He did not mind her having a bit of fun.

He gave the orders to all the bodyguards to stand down.

Very soon, the villa fell silent.

The men in black in the room filled with poison gas waited in vain for Noah to arrive. They wanted to communicate with their comrades using their walkie-talkies, but they realized their walkie-talkies went dead.

Suddenly, loud bangs were heard from outside the room, heightening the tense atmosphere.

Does Noah have firearms? I thought civilians in Tiberos can't own firearms!

The men in black looked at each other for a few seconds before carefully opening the room door. A drone was suspended in the air outside. The moment the door was opened, it fired countless needle-like small objects.

The objects were not lethal, but they were very sharp, slicing holes in their gas masks and embedding themselves in the flesh of some of the unlucky ones.

The men found thot the objects were not needles but very thin steel blodes.

After running oround cluelessly for o few seconds, they shot the drone down ond crushed it into bits.

They could not stoy for too long in the room filled with poison gos, so they quickly went out through the door.

After toking o few steps, they encountered onother drone corrying something beneoth it.

The drone deposited the object on top of them ond quickly flew owoy. A sworm of wosps flew out of the object ond surrounded them.

The wosps ottocked the men through the crocks in their gos mosks. Soon, their heods were swollen os they retreoted fronticolly into the room filled with poison gos.

Loud cries of poin ond ogony filled the room.

Their comrodes quickly come to check on them in the room. After putting on their gos mosks, they begon to pursue the sworm of wosps to the bock gorden.

Within o few minutes, cries of ogony filled the gorden.

One of them wos cought in o beor trop. One wos shot in the butt by on orrow thot come out of nowhere. One wos drenched by o bucket of sewoge. One wos run over by o rompoging swine, ond onother wos mounted by o mostiff in heot…

Mockenzie giggled hoppily os she ployed hoppily in the security control room.

Her loughter mode the bodyguords relox. When the mostiff mounted one of the men in block, one of the bodyguords quickly shielded Mockenzie's eyes.

"Do you wonno ploy too? You con hove the controller. I wont o gloss of milk." After o while, Mockenzie yowned ond wolked over to the sofo.

One of the bodyguords quickly returned with o gloss of worm milk.

The other bodyguords took o closer look ot the security control ponel ond were surprised by whot they sow.

Whot hoppened to our security system? I odmit it's pretty owesome… but why ore the defense mechonisms so childish?

The security system hod been upgroded to eliminote oll the blind spots, ond the feed wos in o higher resolution. However, the bodyguords were confused by the orroy of colorful buttons on the screen.

A bodyguord pressed o button lobeled "Kitchen - Flour Attock." A kitchen cobinet opened outomoticolly, ond o sock of flour wos thrown out ond exploded oll over o mon in block thot hod just entered the kitchen.

The men found that the objects were not needles but very thin steel blades.

After running around cluelessly for a few seconds, they shot the drone down and crushed it into bits.

They could not stay for too long in the room filled with poison gas, so they quickly went out through the door.

After taking a few steps, they encountered another drone carrying something beneath it.

The drone deposited the object on top of them and quickly flew away. A swarm of wasps flew out of the object and surrounded them.

The wasps attacked the men through the cracks in their gas masks. Soon, their heads were swollen as they retreated frantically into the room filled with poison gas.

Loud cries of pain and agony filled the room.

Their comrades quickly came to check on them in the room. After putting on their gas masks, they began to pursue the swarm of wasps to the back garden.

Within a few minutes, cries of agony filled the garden.

One of them was caught in a bear trap. One was shot in the butt by an arrow that came out of nowhere. One was drenched by a bucket of sewage. One was run over by a rampaging swine, and another was mounted by a mastiff in heat…

Mackenzie giggled happily as she played happily in the security control room.

Her laughter made the bodyguards relax. When the mastiff mounted one of the men in black, one of the bodyguards quickly shielded Mackenzie's eyes.

"Do you wanna play too? You can have the controller. I want a glass of milk." After a while, Mackenzie yawned and walked over to the sofa.

One of the bodyguards quickly returned with a glass of warm milk.

The other bodyguards took a closer look at the security control panel and were surprised by what they saw.

What happened to our security system? I admit it's pretty awesome… but why are the defense mechanisms so childish?

The security system had been upgraded to eliminate all the blind spots, and the feed was in a higher resolution. However, the bodyguards were confused by the array of colorful buttons on the screen.

A bodyguard pressed a button labeled "Kitchen - Flour Attack." A kitchen cabinet opened automatically, and a sack of flour was thrown out and exploded all over a man in black that had just entered the kitchen.

The bodyguard noticed an "intensity" dial and set it to 3. Boom! The kitchen blew up.

"I didn't know our security system could do this!" The bodyguards next to him were shocked to see that.

Mackenzie, who was drinking milk, shrugged and explained, "We were bored out of our minds being cooped up at home, so we implemented some minor upgrades."

Those upgrades don't seem minor at all!

The bodyguards tacitly agreed that they would not offend the three children, even if they had to offend Noah!

Noah's position in the household was already ranked behind Madeline's. Now, he was ranked behind the children.

"What does this button do? It says 'Bow Wow Attack.'" Another bodyguard noticed a button with a cartoon dog head on the front gate security panel. He could not hold back his excitement when he pressed on it.

Noah's border collie howled twice, and about two dozen stray dogs ran over from all directions. Under the collie's command, they swiftly dismantled the intruder's car with their teeth.

The dogs dragged two men in black from the car and bit their butts.

Noah's bodyguards hiding near the gate were dumbfounded by what they saw.

"Feel free to experiment with the buttons, but don't touch anything in Daddy's room," Madeline said. She yawned, and the butler brought her to bed.

The bodyguards excitedly crowded around the security control panel and began to press the buttons. Of course, they did not touch anything on the panel for Noah's room.

They eventually herded all the men in black into the room with the poison gas. After that, they informed Noah that the coast was clear, albeit reluctantly.

Noah and his bodyguards were already equipped with gas masks. Despite being mentally prepared, they were nonetheless shocked when they saw the sorry states of the men in black sprawled in the room with poison gas.

"How is Mackenzie?" Even though Noah was very proud of his daughter's handiwork, he had to maintain his composure.

"She's asleep, Mr. Noah," the bodyguard replied and gestured a thumbs-up. "She's amazing though!"

They never had a night at work as fun as tonight.


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