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Aggressive wife novel (Madeline and Noah) novel Chapter 332

“Don’t look at me like that. I don’t know that she’s pregnant at the moment,” Thirteen shrugged as he said that. He really did not know about this because when he captured her, she happened to be having fun with another man in bed.

“You monster! Die!” Fred was flailing his broken wrist, and he wanted to exact violence on Thirteen.

Thirteen took a few steps back and looked at him pitifully, “Although I didn’t know whether that woman really is expecting a child, I reckon that it’s not yours. When you went to see her last time, another man was hiding under the bed.”

Fred revealed a shocked expression on his face, and he was obviously in disbelief, “Don’t you try to deceive me with your words. I won’t just let you off the hook after all that you did!”

“What? Do you think you are someone deserving for me to make up a story?” Thirteen rolled his eyes at him, and then he smiled at him, “What about this? Tell me why Joseph is targeting Madeline, and I will go and check whether the child in her belly is still alive or not. Deal?”

Fred hesitated for a moment, but his desire to have his own child overshadowed his rationale, “That’s because Sir is Ms. Madeline’s senior, and he has feelings for her…”

“It seems that you’re not that concerned with the state of your child after all. Are you just putting on an act with how exasperated you were just now?” Thirteen stepped on Fred’s fingers which were on the car window.

There was even a playful smile on his face right now.

Fred felt a few pangs of pain shooting through his body, and he could not wait to tear Thirteen apart.

“I’ll say it! I’ll say it now! It’s Trenton who is trying to mess things up for Madeline. He doesn’t want to see her together with Noah!”

“Oh my god, I can’t believe that you dare to betray Trenton,” Thirteen let out a sigh before fulfilling his promise to check on the state of the child.

At the same time, Fred was secretly cursing Thirteen for being obnoxious. Thirteen was the one who forced him to spill the beans, yet he was branding him as someone who had the guts to betray Trenton. No, it was not that. Thirteen was enjoying the fact that he was in such a bad situation right now!

“Hey, I see that there’s a huge pool of blood on the ground,” Thirteen came back and reported what he saw.

As for the source of the pool of blood, he did not bother to check that.

Fred closed his eyes and tried to remain calm. With how battered the car was, it was highly unlikely that the woman would survive. However, he still tried, “Is she still alive?”

Thirteen giggled, “Is Lone Wolf working under Trenton’s command? Or have they parted ways due to a clash of interests?”

Fred sucked in a deep breath before answering, “Lone Wolf used to work for Trenton, but he did not really obey him. Trenton has since then issued an assassination order for Lone Wolf.”

When Thirteen got what he wanted, he went back to check on the woman. Then, he simply said, “She’s not dead yet.”

“She wos lucky to be stuck in one corner of the cor during the collision. Her belly is uninjured.”

Feoring thot Fred would not believe him, he odded some detoils to his explonotion.

Something lit up in Fred’s eyes. He yelped eogerly, “Go sove her! Sove her life!”

“Thot would depend on how you perform, Mr. Lorbocher,” Thirteen crossed his orms in front of his chest. He wos very sotisfied with how thot womon hod become o useful bet to get informotion out of Fred.

Fred let out o sigh of resignotion. He gritted his teeth ond nodded.

Thirteen gove the order to his men to get the womon out of the bottered cor. She wos then swiftly sent to the hospitol for emergency treotment.

Fred remoined in the some spot. While he woited for the news from the hospitol, he continued to feed Thirteen with triviol informotion just to keep Thirteen hooked.

Thirteen felt thot he wos reoching the limits of his potience, but he knew thot Fred would not just tell him whot he wonted to heor if Fred could not moke sure thot thot womon wos still olive. Thirteen hod to woit.

He wos curious obout Fred’s thought process. In Thirteen’s eyes, Fred wos octing crozy for the soke of o child thot wos not even his.

Unfortunotely, thot womon hod sustoined such o heovy injury thot the doctors could not sove her. She wos deod holfwoy through her surgery.

Thirteen reolized thot he could no longer get ony more informotion out of Fred, so he chose to leove.

However, when his cor just deported, he wos surrounded immediotely. It wos obvious thot these men were sent by Joseph.

“Hey, you’re finolly here! I hoven’t been oble to flex my obilities of lote,” Thirteen stretched his slightly stiff limbs, ond he looked like he wos excited obout the chollenge.

The bodyguords who were surrounding him felt not too confident obout the situotion. Any normol person who wos surrounded by o huge number of people would be nervous right now, but Thirteen looked like he wos onticipoting them eogerly.

Thirteen did not seem to mind too much obout Fred who hod deliberotely bought time for the bodyguords to orrive.

“You guys should come ot me oll ot once. I need to go bock home for dinner soon,” Thirteen gestured.

The young bodyguords were not too potient. They fell for Thirteen’s provocotion ond immediotely rushed ot him with their numbers.

However, they did not even moke it to him when there wos suddenly o flurry of footsteps coming from behind.

Immediotely, oll they sow wos dorkness. They were being shoved into socks ofter socks by some people.

“Not one of you con put up o decent fight,” Thirteen clopped owoy the dust on his polms before ordering his men to shove those bodyguords into their cors.

The bodyguords could not do o thing, ond they felt thot this wos unfoir. Thirteen ond his men hod used dirty tricks ot the stort of the fight, so how were they oble to even fight bock? They were being so petty!

“She was lucky to be stuck in one corner of the car during the collision. Her belly is uninjured.”

Fearing that Fred would not believe him, he added some details to his explanation.

Something lit up in Fred’s eyes. He yelped eagerly, “Go save her! Save her life!”

“That would depend on how you perform, Mr. Larbacher,” Thirteen crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was very satisfied with how that woman had become a useful bet to get information out of Fred.

Fred let out a sigh of resignation. He gritted his teeth and nodded.

Thirteen gave the order to his men to get the woman out of the battered car. She was then swiftly sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Fred remained in the same spot. While he waited for the news from the hospital, he continued to feed Thirteen with trivial information just to keep Thirteen hooked.

Thirteen felt that he was reaching the limits of his patience, but he knew that Fred would not just tell him what he wanted to hear if Fred could not make sure that that woman was still alive. Thirteen had to wait.

He was curious about Fred’s thought process. In Thirteen’s eyes, Fred was acting crazy for the sake of a child that was not even his.

Unfortunately, that woman had sustained such a heavy injury that the doctors could not save her. She was dead halfway through her surgery.

Thirteen realized that he could no longer get any more information out of Fred, so he chose to leave.

However, when his car just departed, he was surrounded immediately. It was obvious that these men were sent by Joseph.

“Hey, you’re finally here! I haven’t been able to flex my abilities of late,” Thirteen stretched his slightly stiff limbs, and he looked like he was excited about the challenge.

The bodyguards who were surrounding him felt not too confident about the situation. Any normal person who was surrounded by a huge number of people would be nervous right now, but Thirteen looked like he was anticipating them eagerly.

Thirteen did not seem to mind too much about Fred who had deliberately bought time for the bodyguards to arrive.

“You guys should come at me all at once. I need to go back home for dinner soon,” Thirteen gestured.

The young bodyguards were not too patient. They fell for Thirteen’s provocation and immediately rushed at him with their numbers.

However, they did not even make it to him when there was suddenly a flurry of footsteps coming from behind.

Immediately, all they saw was darkness. They were being shoved into sacks after sacks by some people.

“Not one of you can put up a decent fight,” Thirteen clapped away the dust on his palms before ordering his men to shove those bodyguards into their cars.

The bodyguards could not do a thing, and they felt that this was unfair. Thirteen and his men had used dirty tricks at the start of the fight, so how were they able to even fight back? They were being so petty!

Thirteen was on a call to Madeline, and he sounded excited, “Maddie, everything is settled! When you’re gone, Fred immediately let down his guard.

“Good. Remember to get them to tell you everything they know,” Madeline had returned to the Maple Forest Villa, and her lips curled up at the good news

He knew that Fred was a determined and strong-willed person. He would not just betray Joseph easily or anyone who was related. This was why she had decided to leave first so that Thirteen could pry some information from him.

By the time he was able to buy enough time for Joseph’s men to arrive, Thirteen and his men could capture all of them in one fell swoop.

She was confident that not everyone was as strong-willed and loyal as Fred.

After settling the score with Fred, Madeline laid on the sofa, finally able to relax for a bit. She was checking a photo that Noah had sent her recently.

It was a photo that was undoubtedly the work of Mackenzie. It was a professional photo that looked like those you could see in a fashion magazine.

Madeline almost could not stifle her laughter when he saw that Noah finally was posing seriously for the cameras.

On his face, a thick foundation was applied, and his brows were thickened for effect. There were even red blushes on his cheeks, and his lips were glistening as if they were oily. Madeline could not imagine in her life that one day, she would witness him in such a spectacle.

She was laughing so hard that her stomach began hurting. She sent him a voice message, “This must be the highlight of your life, Mr. Quincy. I salute you.”

Noah was at the Quincy residence at the moment, and he was still wallowing in regrets for hurting Madeline’s feelings. At the same time, he was wary of her finding out about his injuries, so he could only remain at home, which was boring and suffocating.

When he tapped on the voice message, immediately Madeline’s vibrant laughter filled the silent living room.

Her sound was like a ray of light that pierced through the heavy clouds. He felt warm in that imaginary illumination, and he did not notice that she was laughing at his photo.

“If you like it that much, I will have more photos taken of me for you.”

He almost blurted out without thinking.

If Dylan heard this, he most definitely would laugh at him. Noah was being so flattery at the moment that his voice sounded almost disgusting.

“Mr. Quincy, did you knock your head?” Madeline sent a voice message as a reply, and she was still trying her best to stop herself from laughing out loud.

Noah was more sensible now, but he was still very glad at how Madeline had taken the initiative to care about him.

“Thank you for your concern, my wife. I am more than fine.”

Madeline felt speechless when she heard that. She then ventured, “Are you guys really having marriage ties with the Solace family?”


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