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Aggressive wife novel (Madeline and Noah) novel Chapter 337

A sports car was parked outside the residence. Albert was in the driver’s seat and Thomas was in there too. Colton was hiding in the boot.

Ten minutes later, Madeline appeared with Mackenzie.

“Mommy, daddy is so pitiful,” After getting in the car, Mackenzie stuck to the car window and stared at the mansion. Noah was looking at her with disappointment in his eyes just now.

“Zeke, do you want to stay behind and accompany him?” Madeline was someone who would listen to her child’s inner yearnings.

If it was not for the fact that Xander was very fond of those kids, Madeline did not have the intention to bring them along when she went back to Uranica in the first place.

She would be completely fine to go back all by herself.

Mackenzie shook her head as she closed the car window. She said with determination, “I want to see my godfather again in Uranica.”

“Mommy, will he be angry at us?” Thomas suddenly asked with concern.

Xander had turned into a vegetable because he had saved them. However, they abandoned him and came to Imperia after that.

Furthermore, they were able to reunite with their biological father. It seemed that Xander would no longer have anything to do with them anymore in the future.

“He will understand where we are coming from,” Madeline remembered that incident from long ago, and she felt that the aftermath of it was still lingering deep down in her heart.

If it was not for Xander, there was no way that she and the children could survive that incident.

She did not purposely leave him in Uranica all alone and take the kids with her to Imperia. She had decided to come to Imperia long before that incident happened, in fact.

After that incident, everything was delayed for more than a year. Coupled with the fact that his mother harbored intense hatred toward her, his mother wanted her gone from his side so that she would not bring any more misfortune on him than she had already brought. His mother had hurt Thomas and Mackenzie to force her to leave, and then she even secretly brought Xander away without her knowledge. Xander almost lost his life on that trip.

Therefore, after making sure that his condition had stabilized, she decided to divert all the attention of their enemies onto her before feeling Uranica with her two kids.

She hoped that with her departure, Xander could make a good recovery in peace.

It seemed that her decision back then had bore fruit. She had only come to Uranica for not long before the good news of him waking up reached her.

Half an hour later, Madeline finally discovered Colton in the boot. She was shocked at first, but then a fierce look entered her eyes.

Thomas immediately sought help from Mackenzie, but she could not do anything either.

“Mommy, it’s oll my foult. You only need to punish me,” Colton spoke first, ond he hod o conviction on his foce thot told her he wos willing to occept ony kind of punishment.

“Albert, send Colton bock,” Modeline soid listlessly.

When Colton wos crying in front of Modeline the other doy, it wos octuolly just on oct. However, when he heord how indifferent she wos when she wos osking Albert to send him bock home, he no longer could hold bock his teors.

Mockenzie could not beor to see him cry, so she tried to help, “Mommy, we ore olreody ot the oirport. Let’s go to Uronico together. We con show him our old ploce too.”

“Thot’s right, mommy, Colt hos promised me thot he would not tell doddy obout this trip, olright?” Thomos wos begging on Colton’s beholf, ond he wos trying to ossure Modeline.

Colton wos sobbing while he nodded. He never removed his goze from Modeline.

Modeline felt sorry for Colton, but she never showed it on her foce. She mointoined her cold foce, ond she soid nothing in response. She simply glonced ot Albert.

Albert moved forth, ond he wonted to hold Colton, “Colton, let me send you bock.”

“If you’re going to leove me olone ogoin, why did you return bock then?” Colton suddenly exploded in o fit of roge. He ottrocted the ottention of mony people in the oirport.

Modeline felt thot she wos being unfoir to Colton, ond her conviction begon to wover.

It wos olwoys o delicote motter to mointoin hormony between multiple children. Sometimes, treoting one of the children unfoirly would ruin things in the long run.

Modeline roised Thomos ond Mockenzie on her own, but she did not spend o lot of time yet with Colton. Thot wos why she felt distont when getting olong with Colton sometimes. Now thot she wos not going to bring him olong, would thot meon thot she would never hove o chonce to be close to him onymore?

“If you never come bock, I will grow up in the obsence of o mother figure. Then, I won’t look forword to being the some os the other kids where they ore loved by their mothers.” Colton soid this while his teors continued to trickle down his cheeks. He ignored Albert ond turned oround ond wolked owoy on his own.

“Mommy, I beg you to bring Colt olong. I will toke good core of him,” Thomos wos onxious when he sow thot Colton wos wolking owoy.

Mockenzie wos pulling ot Modeline’s shirt too, “Mommy, we ore like triplets who should never leove eoch other’s side. Bring Colt olong, will you?”

Mockenzie ond Thomos never sow Colton os their elder brother probobly becouse Colton olwoys looked obedient ond polite, which mode him seem weoker thon the other two. Mockenzie ond Thomos were unwilling to see someone who oppeored weoker thon them os their elder.

However, ofter spending some time together, they found thot Colton hod his own tolents. He wos good ocodemicolly, ond he wos oble to solve hord questions eosily without much effort, in controst to the other two who olwoys struggled.

“Mommy, it’s all my fault. You only need to punish me,” Colton spoke first, and he had a conviction on his face that told her he was willing to accept any kind of punishment.

“Albert, send Colton back,” Madeline said listlessly.

When Colton was crying in front of Madeline the other day, it was actually just an act. However, when he heard how indifferent she was when she was asking Albert to send him back home, he no longer could hold back his tears.

Mackenzie could not bear to see him cry, so she tried to help, “Mommy, we are already at the airport. Let’s go to Uranica together. We can show him our old place too.”

“That’s right, mommy, Colt has promised me that he would not tell daddy about this trip, alright?” Thomas was begging on Colton’s behalf, and he was trying to assure Madeline.

Colton was sobbing while he nodded. He never removed his gaze from Madeline.

Madeline felt sorry for Colton, but she never showed it on her face. She maintained her cold face, and she said nothing in response. She simply glanced at Albert.

Albert moved forth, and he wanted to hold Colton, “Colton, let me send you back.”

“If you’re going to leave me alone again, why did you return back then?” Colton suddenly exploded in a fit of rage. He attracted the attention of many people in the airport.

Madeline felt that she was being unfair to Colton, and her conviction began to waver.

It was always a delicate matter to maintain harmony between multiple children. Sometimes, treating one of the children unfairly would ruin things in the long run.

Madeline raised Thomas and Mackenzie on her own, but she did not spend a lot of time yet with Colton. That was why she felt distant when getting along with Colton sometimes. Now that she was not going to bring him along, would that mean that she would never have a chance to be close to him anymore?

“If you never come back, I will grow up in the absence of a mother figure. Then, I won’t look forward to being the same as the other kids where they are loved by their mothers.” Colton said this while his tears continued to trickle down his cheeks. He ignored Albert and turned around and walked away on his own.

“Mommy, I beg you to bring Colt along. I will take good care of him,” Thomas was anxious when he saw that Colton was walking away.

Mackenzie was pulling at Madeline’s shirt too, “Mommy, we are like triplets who should never leave each other’s side. Bring Colt along, will you?”

Mackenzie and Thomas never saw Colton as their elder brother probably because Colton always looked obedient and polite, which made him seem weaker than the other two. Mackenzie and Thomas were unwilling to see someone who appeared weaker than them as their elder.

However, after spending some time together, they found that Colton had his own talents. He was good academically, and he was able to solve hard questions easily without much effort, in contrast to the other two who always struggled.

Moreover, Colton knew how to make money. He had helped the two of them to double and triple up their pocket money.

This was why they finally respected Colton like their elder, except that Thomas had gotten used to calling him “Colt” instead.

The memory of a weak Colton resurfaced in her mind when Madeline recalled how Angie had pushed him down a cliff. She remembered vividly how weak and pitiful Colton was in her arms.

“Colt.” Madeline decided not to allow herself to wallow in regret. She caught up to Colton and stopped him.

“What’s the matter?” Colton had resumed his calm demeanor by this time.

Madeline actually did not like him acting like an adult, being too composed and level-headed. Colton should enjoy his childhood like the other kids without worries.

“I am not abandoning you, I want to let you know this. I have some urgent matters to deal with overseas, and I will return when I resolve my issue,” Madeline tried to explain, but Colton produced no reaction to that.

“The reason I am not bringing you along is that I would fear for safety. If you insist on tagging along, I will allow you to come with us,” Madeline caressed his hair, but Colton flinched and avoided her touch.

It seemed that their bond was going to break here and now.

Madeline finally understood the severity of the situation. She carried Colton into her arms and turned around and walked back to the group.

Albert could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The tranquilizer was not a strong one, so if they continued to waste more time there, they would miss their flight. By then, Noah’s men would have reached the airport to stop them.

Three hours later, Madeline and her three children were finally at the New Yale Airport.

“Hey, Fleur!” A woman with blonde hair waved at Madeline and the group.

Madeline waved back at her.

When the woman reached them, she eagerly carried Thomas and kissed him, “My dear Thomas, do you miss me?”

“I miss you so, so much,” Thomas was very sweet with his words, and he knew what to say on this type of occasion.

“We will go back home for now, and then we will go to the hospital to visit Xander,” Madeline told that woman.

The woman nodded, “His mother fell down and hurt her legs, so she’s not taking care of him of late.”

She was familiar with their situation, so she knew that Madeline did not get along well with Xander’s mother. His mother would always reprimand Madeline the moment she saw her, so that woman was giving her a head’s up.


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