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Alan’s Erotic Adventure novel Chapter 45

Alan knew the visitor. It turned out to be Marcus who made love with village woman Cheney in the Peach Orchard. Marcus glanced at everyone. When he saw Alan, he suddenly recalled something and frowned.

“Marcus?” The aunt hurriedly stood up, “Have you eaten yet? Shall we eat together?” She asked if he wanted to eat, which was the most popular way to say hello in rural areas.

“No need, I came today to get back the 3,000 you owe me.” Marcus was a little anxious, and a little sweat leaked out of his forehead.

When Aunt Karen heard that he was here to collect debt, she panicked, “Didn’t we agree to three months later? We really have no money right now.”

“I don't want it this way either. It’s just that I am also in an emergency situation. I need money urgently!” Marcus pulled and sat on the stool, obviously he wasn’t going to leave without getting the money.

Aunt Karen was in a panic. She really had no money. Even If she had the money she wouldn’t give it to him. She rubbed her pocket. All that was left was the 200 that Alan gave her from the hunt last time, “I only have this 200. Marcus, can’t you wait for a month?” Karen was almost begging him.

“Yes, Marcus, we really have no money; otherwise we will definitely pay you back as soon as possible.” Amy followed up. All she could do was try to placate this asshole debt collector.

“Haha, Amy looks very pretty. If she stays with me for a night, maybe I can still give a few days of grace, haha.” When Marcus said this, his eyes were bulging out looking at Amy with a very sinister expression. Alan had his fists clenched and was about to throw a punch. ‘You fucker! Don’t you even think about molesting this girl?’ He boiled inside.

“Hey Marcus!” Alan yelled softly. When Marcus looked for the sound, he shuddered in shock. Alan's eyes were about to get lit up, especially the chest muscles, which seemed to tremble constantly, and then looked at his clenched fist. When the blow from the punch came, Marcus knew the game was over.

“Next Monday, we will pay you back, and now you get the fuck out of here.” Alan said word by word.

When Marcus heard this, he knew that they really didn’t have any money, and they would have less than a few dollars today. Since they will pay it back next week, he had to wait another week. This was already the best time possible limit, so he agreed, “Okay, but if you don't pay the money when the time comes, don't blame me for being impolite.” With that said, he secretly glanced at Amy.

She really saw a lot of wretched men. Compared with their cousin Alan, these ugly men in the village were really a world of difference. She had even more affection for Alan.

“Stop!” Alan shouted again, then Marcus actually stood still, “In the future, you dare to say a vulgar fucking word in front of my cousin, I will make sure you spend the rest of your life in bed forever.”

“Humph!” Marcus snorted and walked away.

Meal time was awkward enough.

Betty thought to herself, you were so handsome just now, even I was almost obsessed with you. Betty sat down and continued to eat, and now she can really eat. Carol looked at Alan in a foolish kind of way, and she found that he was really handsome. As for Amy, she didn't expect him to stand up and defend her like this, and her heart was full of warmth.

Only Aunt Karen’s face looked unhappy. “Alan, how are we going to make 3, 000 a week! Huh?” Her mood for eating was completely gone, although Alan had gotten rid of the disgusting Marcus. How could she pay the debt?

When the aunt said this, everyone's faces sank suddenly.

“Alan, what do you think? Let's discuss it together and see how to overcome this difficulty. Our whole family will support you.” She looked at Alan boldly, and everyone else nodded.

Alan had been thinking about the issue of making money since his uncle was in jail, and had thought of many plans, but making money was so hard here. In such a poor ravine, if people could think of something to make money with, then everyone would have engaged in it a long time ago, so that’s why the whole village was still so poor.

Chapter 45 Debt 1

Chapter 45 Debt 2


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