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All Too Late novel Chapter 266

Chapter 266 She Is Dead

“I’m glad you understand then.” Kathleen sounded a little exasperated at that point. In response, a stiflingly grim aura started exuding from Samuel as his gaze turned frosty. He was reluctant to let her go. Kathleen soon poured herself another glass of wine seemingly more annoyed than usual. Ugh. D’mn it!

I can’t believe that old bat is eyeing Samuel! “Stop drinking.” Samuel ushered while grabbing her wrist That sparked even more displeasure in Kathleen, who snapped. “I want to Even so, Samuel did not loosen his vice-like grip. Kathleen shot a sideways glare at him, her lustrous eyes reddening by the second. “What gives you the right to order me around, Samuel? Who do you think you are?” That stunned Samuel into silence.

Still, her sardonic words did not stop here. “Don’t assume there’s hope for you just because I’m smiling at you. Did you know? One year ago, on the night Nicolette restrained me to the operating table, I dreamt of my kids. They were crying, begging me not to kill them. Do you have any idea how much I wanted all of you to die as compensation for what you guys did to my kids?” All the muscles in Samuel’s body tensed up as he listened to her words.

“Still, you never listened to me. All you ever concerned about was your precious Nicolette’s ramblings about how she desperately needed to live…” Kathleen continued before sighing and chuckling coldly. At that moment, she could feel waves after waves of despair crashing over her. Samuel gazed at her, his eyes full of worry.

Kathleen got to her feet, but the moment she did so she started swaying due to her drunken state. “Stop involving yourself in my life. Samuel. Do you know how incredibly lonely get when the daily hustle and bustle ends and I’m left all alone? She sniffled before continuing “If I hadn’t married you back then I could’ve gotten myself a loving husband and birthed him a baby.

We could’ve lived happily ever after.” By then, Samuel had also stood up. He stretched out his arms protectively, fearing that Kathleen would fall over. However, she swatted his hand away. “Samuel, my heart is bruised and battered. I can no longer find it within me to love you anymore. Please understand. I’ll meet with Isaac alone tomorrow, so you don’t have to accompany me. With that, she turned to leave with wobbly steps. A moment later, however, Samuel closed in from behind her and grabbed her waist.

His lowered voice echoed in her ear with a solemn weight. “I’ll stay out of your life starting from tomorrow. I promise.” “Good,” Kathleen replied, nodding Samuel’s gaze hardened bleakly as it locked onto Kathleen’s eyes. Does Charles’ godfather have something to do with her sudden change of attitude?

I don’t want to force her to tell me. If any issue arises. I’ll resolve it for her in the dark. She won’t have to know. “Since we can’t see each other when tomorrow comes. I want you to follow me for now,” uttered Samuel as he led her away. Since there was no strength left in Kathleen’s body, Samuel wrapped his arm around her and guided her to the door. Once they got there, he helped put her coat on before leading her outside.

At that moment, Kathleen felt a pounding headache ripping through her skull. She cast a perplexed gaze at Samuel, not knowing what he was up to. From her current angle, she had the perfect view of Samuel’s chiseled jaw. Some time passed before she lowered her head and burrowed deeper into his embrace. “Kate, look at the sky.”

Samuel’s baritone voice suddenly rang out. The sky? Kathleen looked up at once, She noticed the many floating lanterns rising in the distance their luminance brilliantly sparkling across the inky sky. Her jaw fell agape as her eyes widened in shock. Samuel hugged her from behind before speaking in his husky voice.

“I remember that one time after our wedding when you watched the floating lantern scene in Tangled. You couldn’t keep your eyes off the main characters as they watched the lanters in their boat so I figured you’d like to see the star-like lanterns tonight” Tears sprang to Kathleen’s eyes.

Upon seeing that a miserable feeling rose within Samuel Kathleen wiped her tears while stating “We can’t go back to how things were. Samuel Why are you talking about the past suddenly? Haven’t you heard of the saying it’s too late to amend things? “I was too arrogant back then and assumed I could control everything in the world.


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