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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 141

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 141 – Asher would’ve k****d him on the spot with only my word as evidence. That was how much he trusted me, how much he wanted to protect me.

The gut-feeling twisting and tearing into my stomach like razor blades was telling me to scream for my mate-or worse, tear Lars’s throat out myself.

I had to keep my cool, especially at a bake sale for a girl who had just been m******d. There was no way I could cause a scene. I couldn’t accuse Lars of something like this with nothing more than a hazy memory of black boots and a gut-feeling that set off a symphony of alarms in my head.

His lips curved up in an amused smile, which was my only warning that I had taken too long to answer. Keeping my eyes on his face and not on his boots was excruciating, but I wasn’t sure if he had seen me look the first time.

If this gut-feeling of mine was correct-which both witches said it would be, then that meant Lars was connected to all of this. Perhaps he was a puppet and not in league with the master herself. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t figure out what purpose a werewolf would have in helping the witches.

All the witches I had encountered were women. I wasn’t even sure if men could be witches. That made things a bit more confusing.

“Oh–that sounds fun!” I covered my croak with a laugh that probably sounded a little too chipper. Breyona noticed and gave me a funny look that I promptly ignored. “I’ll make sure Asher tags along since parties aren’t really his thing, so feel free to spread the word.”

“Awesome, will do.” He grinned and put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. I watched his eyes roam just above my head, scanning the crowd of people around us.

“Looking for someone?” I asked, easing the suspicion out of my voice before it revealed itself. I wasn’t usually this tactless, but the sight of his boots caught me off guard.

“You seen Cassidy anywhere?” He asked, and his answer caught me off guard. I hadn’t expected him to be looking for the cheerful blonde who keyed his motorcycle. His lopsided grin told me he saw the skepticism in my eyes, so he raised his hands in surrender. “…hey, we talked it out, I swear! I actually got a date with her coming up, and I’m pretty excited. Anyway, I’m gonna go track her down. Thanks for helping me out, Luna! I won’t forget it!”

“If Cassidy didn’t strike me as the type of she-wolf to throttle a man, I might just be worried for her.” Breyona shook her head but paused when she realized I wasn’t listening. I felt her touch my arm but couldn’t tear my eyes away from where Lars vanished into the crowd. “…you alright, Lola?”

“Remember how you told me to let you know if I had any of those gut feelings?” I frowned, looking away even though something in the pits of my stomach whispered, ‘follow him’.

Asher was far enough away that I caught glimpses of him in between the crowds of people walking in every direction. Grandma was talking his head off, but I couldn’t hear what was being said with everything else going on.

“Oh, goddess–how bad is it?” She paled; any playfulness left drained from her voice.

“You can’t tell Asher…” I murmured even though I was positive he couldn’t hear. “…promise me.”

Her face took on the color of chalk, but she nodded, “…you know this is technically treason, right?”

“Not if it’s the Luna asking you to keep the secret. Besides, I’ll tell him. I just want to make sure I’m right before pointing any fingers. You know Asher won’t hesitate to k**l him off my word alone, especially since he’s been on edge lately. That won’t make things better, it’ll just stir the pot.” I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

When had things become so complicated? I hated keeping this from Asher, but I knew how driven he could be by his instincts. It seemed to happen more frequently lately, but it made sense with everything going on. We were both taking Carson’s d***h personally, and we were worried the witches would strike again.

I told Breyona about the scuffed boots and the feeling I had that twisted my stomach into knots. A flutter of appreciation took off in my chest because the look on her face wasn’t skeptical, it was worried.

“Figure this out and tell Asher …and don’t go off on your own looking for answers.” Her sharp features softened, only partially hiding the flash of pain in her eyes. “…you can always call me to come with you…if someone else isn’t available.”

Someone else, someone who could shift.

From the distant look in her eyes, I knew she was thinking back to when she had truly been whole. Even though I saw the explosion of happiness on her face every time Giovanni stepped into her line of view, I knew she’d always long for that missing piece of herself.

Only in her memory could she taste and feel the cold waters of the streams we would stop and drink at, inhaling the air of the forest-taking in the beautifully harsh world around us. Forever trapped reliving the bliss of the wind rushing through her thick fur, of her feet thundering against the ground as her muscles burned and her senses sharpened.

“I promise, I’ll call you.” I told her, silently hoping it wouldn’t come to that-but there was no way I’d let it show.


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