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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213

I floated suspended in this blissful darkness for what felt like hours. Nothing could touch me here. Not the weight of exhaustion pulling me down or the agony squeezing at my muscles and bones.

It was a reprieve, but one thing about reprieves is that they never last too long.

At first, it started in small flashes. An explosion of light here and there, a flicker of pain, a whisper of voices just outside my minds reach.

Eventually, those flashes became longer and more drawn out. The light became blinding, tinted with colors and shapes that moved. Voices took form, names flashing in my memory as I began to recognize them.

Each time I gathered the strength to open my eyes, it was sucked away by some

intangible force. With each sensation that returned, my least favorite was my dry throat.

I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes open for long enough to drink anything, but what I wanted most was some damn blood. A few times I swore I saw the outline of

Asher’s face, always hovering over me, silently protecting me from any and everything.

When I gathered the strength to keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds, the first thing I latched onto was a feminine voice.

It’s high pitch and friendly tone struck my memory at its core and dredged up a familiar name.


Asher’s voice was thrown into the mix, tight with unease that twisted my empty stomach into knots. It rumbled miserably, as if it knew I dared to think about it.

“What’s going on?” I asked, but my mouth was so dry it came out as a crusty groan.

Asher was at my side before I could blink, moving so fast it startled me, but I was too weak to react. His hands roamed my arms, shoulders, and finally, my face. Each caress of his calloused hands was unbearably soft, bringing on such gentle sparks that my eyelids fluttered, and the darkness reached out with loving hands to suck me back in.

Thankfully, he pulled away before I could pass out again and promptly shoved something small and skinny into my mouth.

Without knowing what it was my throat worked to pull. When the taste of blood hit my tongue, rich and tangy, all thought was lost. I kept going until the winded.

straw sputtered and ran dry, but I wasn’t nearly full.

“What’s going on?” I asked again.

This time my words weren’t garbled nonsense. Cassidy hovered nearby; her shoulders lax with relief.

“What do you remember last?” Asher asked, clasping our hands together.

My heart began to flutter when he pressed my hand to his lips and waited for my response. A dull ache spread across my forehead as I followed the dwindling breadcrumbs in my memory that led me back to what happened before the darkness held me in it’s grasp.

“Um, I remember going to the safe haven and meeting Tristan’s mother. I sort of remember using magic to protect the land, but that’s where things get hazy.” I admitted.

“You did, you protected everyone. There’s now a force field over the entire safe haven, but you didn’t stop there. You fixed all of the damage the witches had done. Every house, every car, the sidewalk …even the streets look brand new.” He exhaled, shoulders stiff and rigid.

There was amazement in his voice, but his expression was pinched. Those eyes of his I adored so much were shuttered with worry.

“That doesn’t explain why I’m now lying -in bed back at home.” I pointed out, lazily looking around our bedroom. “Wait a second. I passed out, didn’t I?”

Asher lifted his head, nodding slowly.

You did. You’ve been out of it for four days now.”

My heart just about seized in my chest.

“Four days?!”

“I had Cordelia and Rowena stop by.

Neither one could do anything to wake you up, but Rowena was certain you passed out from overextending yourself.” He grunted.

I squeezed his hand, hoping to alleviate his grimace. When the crease in between his eyebrows smoothed out, I mustered up a watery smile.

“I’m glad everyone is safe, but something else is going on, isn’t it?” I took one glance at Cassidy, remembering the feverish way they spoke to one another before I managed to wake up fully.

Asher pursed his lips, but it was Cassidy that spoke first.

“Your mate’s just worried about his brother, even though there’s no reason to be.” She said lightly, an understanding smile curling at her glossed lips.

Judging from the amount of sunlight streaming through the window and the perfectly creased workout clothes she had on, I assumed she was on her way to training when she stopped by. Her gym bag rested on the floor, the chord of her headphones hanging out the side pocket.

“It’s been four days since I’ve heard from him. He asks for a leadership position, then pulls this stunt. It doesn’t make sense.” Asher muttered, that crease returning.

“No one’s heard from Brandon in four days?” I frowned, my eyes darting between the two of them.

Cassidy shook her head, her blonde ponytail swaying.

“I told Asher, already. Brandon stopped by to see if I wanted to go to some frat party days ago. He said he’d just gotten back from fighting the witches and wanted to kick back and have fun. He said something about near death experiences and wanting to get drunk, but that’s your brother. Obviously, I told him I wasn’t interested.” She snorted, then placed her hand on Asher’s shoulder. “Look, you know your brother. This isn’t the first time he’s gone off on a bender. Hell, you remember when he met that Cuban girl?”

She cocked an eyebrow at Asher, her lips tilting in a smirk that made me wonder exactly what Brandon had done all those years ago.

Asher didn’t seem as amused but managed a slight nod.

“Yeah, I remember.” He replied.

“Brandon went off on a weeklong sex- induced bender with this chick and didn’t think to tell any of us where he was.” She explained, flashing me the same amused look she’d given Asher.

“That does sound like something Brandon would do.” I laughed lightly.

Asher frowned. “He called during that time though to check in and let mom know he wasn’t dead in a ditch somewhere.”

I matched his expression, my eyebrows inching closer together and lips falling.

Brandon was a heathen at the best of times, but if there was one thing he cared about it was his parents, Claire especially.

“He hasn’t called this time?” I asked.

“No, he hasn’t even sent a text.” Asher replied.

Cassidy planted her hands on her hips and shook her head at us.

“He’d complain for the rest of his life if he could see the two of you worrying like a pair of mother hen’s.” She giggled, softening her tone when she turned to

Asher. “Look, I know you’ve been under a huge deal of stress lately, but maybe you’re being just a touch overprotective. You know how your brother is, and you know that sooner or later, he always comes crawling back. I’d say give him the rest of the week, and then we can start sending out search parties.” 8

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Asher grunted, pinching the bridge of his nose.

The phantom throb of his headache rippled across the bond and made my eyebrows twitch.

Cassidy hefted her gym bag and slung it over her shoulder, waving at the two of

“Well, I’ve got to head out or I’ll be late for training. Remember what I said though, Asher. He’s probably just partied too hard and lost his phone in the toilet again.” She snorted, shaking her head like she was reliving a funny memory.


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