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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 226

Chapter 226

A snarl tore through my chest and if it weren’t for Asher’s hand on my lower back, his warmth pouring into my icy skin, I would’ve dug my fingers into her eye sockets.

Instead of having the wits to be afraid, Rowena laughed.

“No, you’re right. She’s too close to all of this. It would be much too obvious. Mm, perhaps it’s someone in the background, someone you never would’ve noticed lurking about. What about that half- breed sister of yours, Holly? She and I did spend quite a lot of time together.” She teased, flashing blood-stained teeth when Tristan let out a snarl of his own.

There wasn’t a chance in hell I’d actually believe her, not with how enthusiastically she’s pointing fingers. She could cry witch all she wanted, but I trusted the people closest to me, my half-sister included.

Rowena began to laugh harder, and the sound of it gradually shifted from confident and poised, to a cackle that bordered on unhinged.

“Oh, there’s so many possibilities, but let’s not limit the suspects to only women. My sister in crime is powerful enough to take on the form of either gender, though not for too long.”

Asher’s hand tensed along my back, as did the rest of his body. It was my turn to reign him in, even though the sickly song in my veins told me to do the opposite.

He towered over her and snarled, “Her name. Tell us her fucking name.”

Rowena yawned, making a show of opening her mouth and fluttering her eyes like we were the ones boring her.

“No, I don’t think I will.” She mused. ”

Ask me something else. You’re oozing testosterone and it’s making me sleepy.”

“Why Sean? Why him of all people?”

At first, I didn’t recognize the voice that spoke. I didn’t feel the words as they left my lips, but that was most likely because

they were encased in layers of ice- dropping the temperature of the room by a few degrees.

Breyona shuddered, her warm breath coming out as a puff of white smoke.

Rowena’s grin fell as she lifted a single sculpted eyebrow at me. Goosebumps prickled along her bare arms, filling me with the smallest hint of pleasure.

“You don’t think Carson and that other boy were our first choices, do you? Please, who even are they? Where is the poetry in that? No, darling. If it wasn’t for your mate’s commendable willpower, your friend over there,” Her eyes flickered over to Breyona. “…and the other one, would be dead.”

At that, my stomach dropped. The siren song was louder now, so tempting that I inched closer to Asher, all but curling into him to keep the urge to kill her at bay.

“Mason and I were your first choices?”

Breyona asked, her voice pitched low.

Rowena’s cell seemed to darken, the shadows along the walls climbing higher. For once, it wasn’t me controlling them, but Breyona. The shadow creeping behind her took on the shape of a wolf.

“Well, of course. You must admit, there’s a beautiful symmetry to it. Lola’s closest friends, followed by her brother, sacrificed in the name of ultimate power.” Rowena sighed heavily, like a teenage girl speaking about the boy she loved. Quickly, her expression soured, and blood-crusted lips twisted into a sneer. Her eyes, which now looked like sewage rather than fragmented emeralds, latched onto my face. “You had to go and ruin that by turning Breyona here into some shadow monster. Freya wasn’t happy about that, not one bit. She’s nothing if not inventive, though. Now she’s quite keen on the idea of having a guard dog that’s a mixture of werewolf and shadow.” 2

“I’ll never follow that bitch.” Breyona snarled, eyes flashing dangerously.

Rowena huffed out a laugh, “You won’t have a choice in the matter. Besides, I think you’ll be quite flattered to be one of the last werewolves in existence. I know I would if I were in your shoes.”

A satisfied smile twitched onto her face when Breyona began to shake, her entire form rippling as pure shadow seemed to seep from her pores. If one of us didn’t act soon, Breyona would surely shift and kill Rowena for us.

“Go take a breather.” I turned to Breyona, urging her with my eyes to listen.

Rowena hummed, “That’s right. Go on, now.”

Breyona’s deep, smoky snarl was overshadowed by the cell door swinging open and Giovanni stepping inside. She reacted to his touch immediately, her eyes fading back to their normal color and losing the shadowy tinge they were taking on. Once Breyona was out of the room and the cell door shut, I turned to hear Asher ask the next question.


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