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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 239

Chapter 239

One moment I was there, and the next I was gone.

The Shadows melted around my body with ease, filling the gaps of moonlight that shone through with impenetrable darkness. I couldn’t see a thing, couldn’t navigate my surroundings even though I’d been through this forest a hundred times before.

My body was no longer my own, stolen by an invisible force that tied its web-like threads around my wrists and ankles, stringing me along the way a marionette manipulates its puppet.

The only thing that remained my own was my thoughts. As panicked as they were, the only thing I could think about was Asher and my friends. Were they alive? Were they fighting Cassidy? Had they killed her already and rushed off to my rescue?

Each one went unanswered.

When the tendrils of darkness slithered away, no longer clouding my vision, I stood somewhere new. At the very back of the field was a rectangular brick building, dimly lit by the streetlamps that seemed so far away.

I recognized the building as the town’s high school. While I never walked the halls myself, I often found myself in town when the parade of yellow busses emerged onto the street, carrying groups of rowdy kids ready for an afternoon away from dusty textbooks and drawn-out lectures.

The school quickly faded from view when my legs began to move, propelling me forward, towards a mass of darkness at the center of the field.

With each step the tendrils slithered further away, dragging their leech-like bodies across the ground with a quickness that made me wonder if they knew something was horribly wrong.

There, at the center of the field, was the one person I wanted dead the most.

If there was one thing I’d learned these last two years, it was that evil always appeared beautiful on the outside. Despite the rot that was my father’s soul, his outward appearance had been handsome-stunning, almost. It was the same with Freya, the most powerful Blood Witch the world has ever know, mother to not only Holly, but also Cassidy.

I hadn’t seen that coming one bit. 3

A sultry and downright joyous smile was pasted on Freya’s face. She could’ve batted her eyelashes and giggled like a schoolgirl.

Nothing would’ve erased the underlying sense of danger that oozed from her every pore.

It didn’t matter how strong her magic was, nothing could smooth out the sharp angles that created her face. From her slender chin to the regal slope of her nose and the deep grooves of her cupids bow, every single feature of hers was crafted to hide the evil within.

Freya wasn’t alone. Standing around her in a large circle were other’s-more witches.

The snarl of absolute frustration I let out vibrated my skull. Even my eyes refused to respond to my will. No matter how hard I pushed or pulled, they would not stray from Freya.

“And here she is, ladies. Our guest of honor.” Freya said loudly, her voice warm and full of joy that felt woefully misplaced.

She swept her arm out to the witches that surrounded her, the long sleeves of her gown billowing in the air like blood-red streamers. Her hair, which was the exact same shade as Cassidy’s hung down her slender back in waves of rust and crimson.

I also couldn’t help but notice she wasn’t wearing any shoes. Her bare feet rested in the grass. The sight was such a far cry from the therapist I’d met months ago that all words escaped me. Not that it mattered since I couldn’t control my own mouth.

Freya made a come-hither motion with her fingers and my legs didn’t hesitate to obey. I snarled and spat an array of colorful words in my head, thrashing against a hold that didn’t so much as budge. Once I was inside the circle of witches, feet away from Freya, I stopped.

Her smile turned feline, as though she could feel every ounce of the fight I was putting up.

“Don’t be a sore loser, Lola. There wasn’t anything you could do to stop this. Even now, your friends and mate are fighting for their lives. A fight they will lose, but not to worry. You won’t be here to feel your mate’s death. By the time my daughters and the others I sent to their aid end your friends, your soul will be long gone from this world. Your body on the other hand…that will remain.”

The others? There hadn’t been any other witches there before I slipped away, but that could’ve easily changed within the last half hour. As hard as I tried to grab onto the bond between Asher and I, it slipped through my fingers like it was coated in oil—no, not oil.


Freya ended her speech with a light chuckle, one a mother might make after watching her child do something amusing. There were hundreds of questions I wanted to ask her. The answers wouldn’t just satiate my curiosity, but they’d also waste time, giving the others a chance to stop this mess from happening.

The slight glimmer of hope fizzled out before it ever had a fighting chance when Freya plucked a dagger from behind her back. Even without her explanation, I could feel the shift in the air as she unsheathed it and knew that there was an unnatural sort of magic at play.

It was beautiful in a haunting, blood- chilling sort of way. The blade itself sparkled with hints of both silver and gold, the moonlight revealing the delicate carvings all along the metal. The grip was cushioned in crimson fabric, but the showstopper was the pummel and the blood ruby that sat atop it.

The ruby didn’t reflect the moonlight like the metal of the blade did. No, it seemed to create its own light, glowing from within.

“Say hello to your father, dear. His soul is trapped inside this little stone. Incredible, isn’t it? It took me a very long time to find this beauty. You wouldn’t believe the things I had to do to get my hands on it, but it was worth it in the end. You see, I had to make sure everything was in place for this moment. Thankfully, I had quite a bit of time.” She purred, turning the dagger in her hands. 1

The way her otherwise sharp eyes softened as she looked at the stone mounted on the dagger’s pummel was nothing short of awed. She blinked, and when her eyes opened, they were once more on my face.

“Fifteen years ago, a powerful seer witnessed the birth of a little girl. This little girl would be the first of her kind, a mixture of the three supernatural species. As if fate didn’t bless this child enough, it decided to give her more. This little girl would be born to the most powerful line of Vampires’ and Witches in existence. She’d grow in strength until the day came where she murdered her father, assumed his throne, and brought the three species together. Care to take a guess who that little girl is, Lola?” Freya hummed, tapping the sharpened point of the dagger with her finger. 2

When I didn’t answer, she smirked.

“Your father and I always worked well together. With your magic at his disposal, we will be unstoppable. On that note, I think it’s time we begin.”

A low hum took place in my head, growing stronger and louder until my teeth rattled from its force. Just beneath the deafening sound was the changing of multiple voices. If I couldn’t see their lips moving, I would’ve never known the chanting was coming from the witches surrounding us.

My limbs began to tingle as magic filled the air around us. Fear unlike anything I’d ever known turned my blood ice cold. A daunting realization was setting in, slowly creeping beneath my skin, burrowing into my muscles and bones.

No one was coming to save me.


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