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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 242


Six Months Later

“Does this ever get easier?” I groaned, swiping a hand over my forehead. A thin sheen of sweat clung to my skin, running from temple to temple.

There wasn’t one specific person I spoke to, rather the entirety of my friends and family that had gathered for this historical event. Naturally, my eyes strayed to my mate, the beacon that never once failed to lead me through the dark.

His lips quirked up at the side, eyes sparkling with significantly less shadows than before. He was slowly learning to forgive himself for the death’s of our pack members. “I wish I could say it does, but I’d be lying.”

Zeke let out a cheeky snort. “Way to make her feel confident. You’ve got this, Lola. You’re a natural.”

Breyona peeked her head from around Giovanni’s massive shoulder. “Besides, if you choke you can always work a little magic and make everyone forget about it.”

“Hah! With my luck I’ll get a little too magic happy and make the whole pack forget about me.” A genuine chuckle slid past my lips as my friends continued with their playful banter. I was quickly pulled into the arms of my mate, whose embrace

I accepted with a blissful sigh.

His lips skimmed my ear, brewing all sorts of thoughts that were not suited for tonight’s events. “Zeke’s right, though.

You were meant for this. You won’t choke.

After all, look at all you’ve accomplished.”

I placed my hand against his taut chest, tapping the thick pad of muscle I felt just below his shirt. “All that we’ve accomplished.” I corrected him. “I would’ve never been able to do this without you.”

Asher looked as stunning as ever, playing the part of Alpha to near perfection. He, like the rest of us, were dressed in a mixture of both professional and casual attire. While we needed to step into our roles tonight, we also needed to present an air of comfort and unity to make the

Witches and Vampire’s in audience feel right at home.

After all, it wasn’t just a few Witches and Vampire’s in audience. 1

It was all of them. Well, almost all. Those who wanted to voice their opinions, lend their hand in shaping this new future that would cater to us all, stood in attendance.

Truthfully, I couldn’t have done any of it without the help of two unlikely allies.

“I swear, that child gets all her sass from you, Ember. Angelica used to be a sweet, docile thing before you got to her.” Tessa scolded her sister as the two of them entered the room.

Ember kicked the door shut behind her with the sharp heel of her boot, and began to take in the contents of the room with a hand propped on her hip. A quick flick of her eyes over the velvet furniture, hand–woven rugs, and paintings hung in golden frames, was all she needed before cocking a sculpted eyebrow at her sister.

“Please, do you even know Angelica?

She’s never been sweet or docile. The kids a menace.” Ember exclaimed with a suspicious amount of warmth to her voice. Paired with the cocky tilt to her lips one might assume she almost liked Angelica.

“She’s not the only menace I know.”

Tessa shot back, not an ounce of venom in her voice. Her eyes skimmed the room seconds later. She let out a small sound of appreciation. “This place is beautiful.”

The room we stood in was one of many at the Seven Springs Country Club. While everything was a bit extravagant for my tastes, it was the only place big enough to hold a meeting this size. Compared to the pack–wide announcement we had well over a year ago, revealing the truth about our alliance with the Vampire’s, this was the biggest event our kind has ever held.

I approached the twins with radiant warmth. Six months ago, I had a long list of suspicions and doubts but one–by–one these girls managed to cross them all off.

We weren’t yet best–friends, but I could see the road we walked down and knew that with time and patience, I’d eventually trust these two with more than just my life.

“I’m so glad you two made it in time.” I beamed, truly relieved.

Ember sniffed, flipping her thick mane of fire–kissed hair over her shoulder. “Well, as the ambassador’s of the Witch community we couldn’t very well miss tonight, could we?” 1

A laugh rumbled in my chest. Even though she’d sooner lock herself in a dark room with Brandon than admit it (her words, not mine), I knew she was becoming just as fond of me as I was of her.

Tessa’s soft eyebrows matched that of her smile. Ever the diplomatic twin, she reached out and grabbed my hand, giving it a quick squeeze. “We wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

Before the conversation could truly take off, the door opened once more. Asher’s

Beta, who had been on leave these past six months doting on his pregnant mate, peeked his head into the room.

“It’s show time folks.” He drawled, flashing me a gruff smile as though he could see the raw nerves throbbing beneath my veins.

I let out a sharp breath and shook out my hands, visualizing the stress leaving my body in heavy waves. It would never cease to amaze me how I’d rather be neck–deep in battle than speak in front of a crowd.

But hey, we all had our weaknesses.

Asher and I stepped out into the hall, our entourage following closely behind. It was there, beneath the sloped ceilings. and crystal chandeliers that we met up with Tristan and Holly.

Tristan, who I had recently denounced as my first–in–command, greeted me with a warm smile. Seeing as he and my sister were now an item, I figured I should no longer come as his first priority.

Holly was still a Princess, after all. And a

Princess deserved a mate that would look after her and her alone. Which is exactly why I promoted Tristan to Head of the Royal Guard. Only instead of protecting me with his life, he’d protect my sister.

The two of them looked the part. Tristan, with his navy button down and dark slacks, matched the sparkly cocktail dress Holly had on, one that showed her lithe figure and subtle curves.

“Are you ready for this?” She asked in her soft, melodic voice.


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