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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 43

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 43 – Lola’s P.o.v

Maya’s excitement slowly faded into frustration as Grandma explained the techniques we can use to protect our mind.

“Meditation.” Grandma nodded serenely, “Learn to control your own thoughts and emotions. Keep’s them out of reach.”

“And how long does this take?” I frowned, my mind running through the ways I could do this.

“Awhile.” Grandma frowned, “It’s not an easy process, disciplining your mind.”

“Well.” I sighed, her techniques wouldn’t be useful to me tonight. “Where do I begin?”

Grandma explained how to meditate, telling me to picture a glistening oasis. She told me to look into the waters and see my own reflection. It seemed easy enough.

“That’s only the first step.” Grandma chuckled.

“The first step?” I huffed, shaking my head.

Fighting I could deal with. Learning to strengthen my body was simple. Strengthening my mind seemed difficult.

I’m impulsive at the best of times. I’m hardly able to control my words let alone my thoughts.

“Second step.” Grandma continued, “Picture a library, stacks of shelves and books as far as the eye can see.”

“Okay.” I drawled the word out, “Books.”

“Let your thoughts fill the books.” Grandma continued, giving me a light smirk. “You can have one book dedicated to Alpha Asher, if need be of course.”

I raised my eyebrow at Grandma and opened my mouth to let loose a snarky remark. She waved me away with her hand, a knowing smile on her face.

“My point is, fill the books with your thoughts and bind them tightly.” Grandma nodded, looking much more serious. “Tuck the books on their shelves and leave them there.”

“That’s it?” I questioned. It seemed far too easy.

“That’s it.” Grandma nodded, “The more you practice, the easier it will get. But I’ll warn you Lola, it’s all too easy for the books to be shredded when you’re first starting out.”

“Got it.” I nodded. How hard could it be to keep my brain books from being touched?

‘Listen to Grandma.’ Maya rolled her eyes, ‘She knows more than us.’

‘So you’ll listen to Grandma and not me?’ I scoffed, ‘Figures.’

‘You get us into trouble.’ Maya pointed out, ‘Grandma doesn’t, and she makes amazing brownies.’

Grandma let me use my old bedroom to practice. She promised to ensure Dad wouldn’t bother me while I practiced.

I laid down on my bedroom floor, positioned in the middle of the room.

Clearing my mind was incredibly difficult, not that I was surprised.

Once my own inner voice quieted, images of Asher and Tristan flashed through my mind.

Asher with his delicious dark hair, tousled to perfection.

Tristan with his light locks and porcelain skin, his swirling blue eyes mischievous.

I forced the images away as best I could, wishing Maya could provide some assistance.

Grandma made it clear that Maya couldn’t help. Whatever mind tricks the Vampire’s used, it suppressed our wolves. Maya would be no use to me if they managed to slip inside my mind.

The oasis in my head was fuzzy at first, the details an annoying haze. As I continued taking steady breaths, the image became clearer.

Crystal blue waters, swaying wheat grass, and the scent of nature in the air.

I imagined myself delving deep within my own head, a library forming around me.

Rows upon rows of empty books lined oak shelves, each cover a different style and color.

I walked the dark halls of my mind, plucking a deep amber book from it’s place on the shelf. The cover was dark, but intertwined with threads of gold.

I thumbed through the rough pages, each one blank and without words.

I figured I’d start with the beginning.

I let my memories of Tyler flow from my mind and into the tightly bound book.

Memories flashed and swirled around me.

Tyler and I running through the pack house, his Mom chasing after us. The time we went to the homecoming dance together. Every memory I had of Tyler pulsed through my mind, filling the pages of the book.

When I looked down at the book, the pages were full. Messy script depicted each memory I ever had with Tyler, all leading up to our encounter in the woods.

I tucked the book back on the shelf, and moved onto the next one.

I had no idea how long it took me, as time seemed to be still in my mind.

Book after book, memory after memory. Leather bound books, hard cover books, short books, withered books. Each were as different and unique as the memories being placed within them.

I finished with my memories of Alpha Asher, every last one of them. His book was larger than the others, the cover a startling shade of black, flecks of silver embedded into the cover.

I stepped back to observe my handiwork, satisfied with what I had done.

When I opened my eyes, I realized three things.

One, the sun was beginning to set in the sky.

Two, my body was incredibly sore.

Three, I had the most k****r migraine.

‘Well?’ Maya’s voice filled my head instantly, ‘How did it go?’

I cringed at the sound of her voice in my head, my dull bedroom lights igniting a painful throb.

‘It’s all done.’ I grimaced as I replied to her, ‘Every memory tucked away.’

‘It was that easy?’ Maya frowned skeptically, ‘Grandma said it wouldn’t be easy.’

‘Didn’t seem too hard.’ I shrugged, ‘Maybe it’s a half-vampire thing.’

‘Maybe.’ Maya scowled. She didn’t seem very convinced.

Grandma was happy to let me stay for dinner, Dad grumbled a ‘hello’ and pulled me in for a tight hug.

The conversation was light, occasionally drifting over to Sean.

“I can’t help but wonder where he is.” Dad frowned, scratching at the stubble on his chin.

“He’s probably somewhere warm, somewhere with a beach near by.” I shrugged, the hint of a smile forming on my face. “He always said he’d live at the beach if he could.”

“Well, I hope he comes back soon.” Dad nodded, but his face held less worry. “It was nice having another man around.”

Dad snickered at his last comment, flashing me one of his old cheeky grins.

“Oh really?” I cocked my eyebrow at him, shooting Grandma an incredulous glance. “What’s so bad about us females?”

“Ever since you and your Grandma came back, the house has smelled funny.” Dad shook his head, his eyes glistening with amusement. “Lilac, vanilla, and all those sweet smells.”

Dad faked a shudder and chuckled as Grandma whacked him with a pot holder.

“Better than the smell of body odor and days old pizza.” Grandma shook her head pitifully, “And to think I made an apple pie for dessert.”

“Apple pie?” Dad’s eyes lit up, and he gave his Mom a sheepish grin.

“Oh don’t you dare.” Grandma scolded, “You’ve lost your pie privileges.”

Dad’s jaw dropped and I snickered at him, sticking my tongue out in his direction.

“Don’t mock your Dad.” Grandma turned with her eyebrow raised.

Amusement twinkled in her eyes, and I could easily tell how much Dad had missed the two of us. It was also clear he missed Sean, but sometimes people needed to get away. I couldn’t blame Sean when I had left for an entire year.

We finished our dinner, and after dramatic begging, Grandma let Dad have some pie. The afternoon was exactly what I needed, some carefree time with my family. It helped to distract me on what was to come tonight.

I headed back to the pack house around ten o’clock, slipping down the hallway and into my bedroom.

I stripped out of my clothes, throwing on a pair of leggings and a long sleeve t-shirt. After awhile I could hear shuffling coming from Alpha Asher’s bedroom.

I wanted to cross the hall and knock, to bother Alpha Asher until he dragged me into his bedroom. The soreness in between my legs agreed. We wanted more of him.

For once, it was Maya who reminded me.


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