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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 76

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 76 – Breyona’s P.o.v

My mind was reeling the entire drive back to our pack’s territory. While I felt horrible for Mason and what we had just witnessed, the only thing on my mind was Giovanni.

Guilt was a constant companion of mine since I had met Giovanni. I felt guilty because I couldn’t tell anyone the truth, and because Giovanni was the only thing on my mind. Something had changed, he had helped us get Sean free. No, he hadn’t turned his back on his kind but this was a start.

‘Sean will find his way to Lola, little she-wolf. I will make sure of it, but that is all I am able to do.’

Once those words left his lips, I knew I couldn’t give up.

Alpha Asher dropped me off at my house after we rescued Sean from the club. I stood on the front steps, staring up at the dark house before me. The lights inside were off, as my parents hadn’t a clue what I had done tonight. I told them the same excuse I’ve used multiple times, that I was staying the night at Lola’s. They never questioned me, never thought to call Lola to see if I were telling the truth. My parents trusted me, and yet I continuously betrayed that trust. I used that same excuse to go to my Aunt’s house, to see Giovanni.

It took me a total of five minutes and thirty-seven seconds to decide my next move. A tugging sensation formed in my gut, like a tether pulling me forward. My body reacted on its own accord, fishing my car keys from my purse and darting over to the driveway. The leather seats of my car were cool against my b**e thighs, but I hardly noticed. My hands trembled against the steering wheel at the thought of seeing him again.

The entire drive that incessant tugging sensation grew, increasing my nerves and underlying excitement. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself. I refused to have the same ending as Mason and Adrienne. I refused to watch him take his last breath because he was on the wrong side of this war. As selfish as it sounded, I didn’t care who he would be leaving behind by choosing our side. It was an innate instinct to keep him alive, and how far I was willing to go for him terrified me to my core.

I pulled into the driveway of my Aunt’s house, letting out a ragged breath as I noticed a single light on within the house. The ground was slick from previous rain, the pleasant scent of damp earth swirled around the house. Water dripped from the roof of the house, hitting the ground in time with my thundering heart.

My eyes found his instantly the moment I walked into the house. His dark curls were shining, as though he had gotten caught in the rain. Little droplets stood out on his dark jacket, the rain making his mouth-watering scent stronger.

Something seemed to shift inside him at the sight of me. The intense guard that kept his emotions in place shattered as he lurched forward. Despite the chill in the house and his damp clothes, his hands seared my skin through the dress I wore. After a single touch from him, I was no longer cold. A blistering fire surrounded me, emanating from Giovanni.

His lips clashed against my own, soft and plush as we met hungrily. A deep noise sounded from his throat as I threaded my fingers through his curly hair. I had spent many days wondering what his curls would feel like beneath my fingers. I held his lips against my own, relishing in the taste of his skin. Pure male musk mixed with something sweet, awakening my tastebuds and setting every nerve on fire.

Sparks devoured every inch of my skin, connecting the two of us in more ways than one. Two warring species and yet this was our moment of peace, just a single moment where our family and friends weren’t able to dictate the choices we made. A single moment where the two of us were able to love freely, away from the prying eyes of our pack and family.

His arms remained wrapped tightly around my waist as our lips pulled apart. Fear and hurt settled in my bones as I prepared for Giovanni to walk away for the third time. Instead of walking away, his grip tightened around me. His deep eyes met my own, and the turmoil I saw within them send a flash of pain through me.

“When I heard–” His voice was thick, tinged with the slight accent he sometimes had. “When I heard Tristan sent Vampire’s after you–I thought you were d**d.”

“We got away, but we had to k**l them all.” I frowned at how weak my voice sounded, at the lingering fear that circled my words.

I was afraid; afraid he would hear how we k****d his kind and abandon me once and for all. I thought I was strong, that I could handle rejecting my Vampire mate. As I looked into the depth of his eyes, I saw how weak I truly was. I could see what rejecting him would do to me. I wasn’t as strong as Mason or Lola. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to survive losing Giovanni.

“I don’t care about them.” Giovanni snarled, but his words held a certain weight to them. Words that once spoken, could never be taken back. “I care about you, Breyona.”

I wasn’t sure who made the first move; him or I. Our lips found each other’s with newfound vengeance. I could taste the frustration on his tongue as it glided silkily against my own. I could feel the longing in his hands as he gripped at the thin fabric of my dress. Our hands trailed the length of each other, roaming over creamy skin, committing the feel to memory.

“Breyona–” He forced himself away, and I realized he had been grazing the skin underneath my dress. It wasn’t lu*t that burned in his eyes, it was a longing so severe it nearly brought me to my knees. A dark craving for affection and love burned in his eyes, a craving he continuously fought whenever I was around.

“I’m not sorry, Giovanni.” I breathed, trying to hear past my thundering heartbeat. “I’m not sorry for wanting you to change sides, for knowing you’re better than the Vampire’s you pledge your loyalty to. I’m not sorry for knowing you deserve so much more.”

For a second, I thought he would turn away from me, and leave me broken hearted yet again. Instead of turning away, he stepped closer. He was teetering on the edge of a cliff, unsure whether to save himself or to enjoy the blood-rushing fall. Without hesitation, I threw myself from the cliff and enjoyed every moment of the fall. I wanted him, more than I had ever wanted anything. My soul called out to his own, begged him to join me in the fall.

“I’m not sorry that I want you.”

The all-consuming sparks raced across my skin as Giovanni lifted me into his arms, darting down the hall and into the first room that had a bed. His lips never left my own, his hands never stopped roaming my body.

As the thin quilt on the bed met my back, I looked up into Giovanni’s eyes and nearly gasped at the wonder and awe burning within them. His hands clasped my waist lightly, as though he were afraid I’d crumble into dust under his touch.


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