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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 79

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 79 – The blood that coated my stomach and hands was warm in comparison to the shadow’s ice coated words. Maya recoiled at their price; her hackles raised as an earsplitting growl reverberated throughout my mind. Breyona was still crouched over Giovanni, her eyes burning madly as she watched the shadows pulse around my body.

They had asked the unthinkable, and Breyona had agreed blindly.

‘Our price is this.’ They hissed seductively in my ear, ‘To save the Vampire she calls mate, we ask for the form of her wolf.’

“She’ll pay it.” I whispered, meeting Breyona’s burning gaze. “Now save him.”

The shadows pulsed around my body, slithering between my legs as they raced towards Breyona.

“What–what was the price?” Breyona whimpered, her body unnaturally still as the shadows glided around her body.

‘Your wolf form–” I croaked. Pain wracked through my body, but it wasn’t originating from the wound in my stomach. The pain coursing through me was for my friend and what she was willing to give up for her mate.

Her wolf would remain in her mind, trapped in a flesh-p****n. Unable to shift and roam the earth, unable to feel the dirt beneath her paws. Breyona had made the ultimate sacrifice for Giovanni, and I prayed he was willing to do the same.

“Their taking my wolf?” Her voice was small, smaller than I had ever heard it before. Breyona’s voice was paper-thin glass, transparent as fear bled into her eyes.

“She’ll still be there–within you.” My voice cracked as I struggled to force the words from my mouth. “But you won’t be able to shift anymore. That’s–that’s their price.”

Realization dawned in her eyes as one of the shadows surged forward, latching onto Breyona’s chest. I was rooted in place as a gut-wrenching scream tore from Breyona’s mouth, cracking as her vocal cords struggled from the pressure.

After just a few moments, the screaming died down, turning into a heartbroken whimper. Everything within me erupted into agony at the sight of her face, and for a moment I wished I had been the one to pay the price.

One by one the shadows glided away from Breyona and over to Giovanni. The blood coating his body was thick and had a sweet smell to it. I knew without the shadows, Breyona’s mate would be all but lost.

The shadows caressed Giovanni’s body, and Breyona’s eyes widened as the shadow’s voices spilt into the air. I could hear the sharp breath Asher su*ked in, and knew he could hear them as well.

‘Remove the knife from his chest, she-wolf.’ They hissed, their silky movements becoming still as they waited impatiently.

Breyona grasped the handle of the knife tightly, unresponsive as the silver coating seared her skin. Giovanni let out a grunt as the knife slipped from his chest and clattered to the pavement. She tore away the ripped shirt that covered his chest, exposing a smooth plane of bronze colored skin.

The shadows had wasted little time, gliding over Giovanni’s body to the wound that sat just above his heart. I watched in painful silence as the threads of his flesh formed together, muscle connecting to muscle, and his life-blood running dry.

The shadows slithered away from his body, wrapping once around my ankles as though they were parting me goodbye.

The street was silent, the only noise coming from Giovanni’s chest. A dull thud that grew stronger, faster, as the wounds within his body healed. When his eyes fluttered open, a sob tore from Breyona’s chest. She threw herself into Giovanni’s arms, her body shaking as his arms snak*d around her body.

Giovanni’s dark eyes met my own, and for a moment, I swore there was a message deep within his intrusive gaze.

Asher was at my side in seconds, his hands shaking as they peeled away the bottom layer of my dress. Blood had soaked into the black fabric, staining his skin as his hands roamed my stomach.

“I’m fine, Asher.” I hissed; my eyes remained on my best-friend.

“You were stabbed, Lola.” Asher met my eyes with murderous intensity, his hands trembling as they brushed across my b****y skin. Asher shot a hard look at Giovanni and Breyona, “Stay where you are.”

“I have nowhere else to go.” I could see a flash of surprise in Asher’s gaze at Giovanni’s unexpected response, followed by suspicion.

“Where is the wound, Lola?” Asher’s voice was hard, guarded as his hands ran over the smooth skin of my abdomen.

“I’ll explain later.” I whispered, and met Giovanni’s gaze. He was listening to our entire conversation, and while Breyona seemed to trust him, I remained on guard.

Asher’s eyes were burning with emotion, each flashing in his gaze faster than I could process. His rough hand remained on my stomach, where the stab-wound had once been.

“You would betray your own kind for her?” Asher turned away from me, shooting me one last glance before placing his attention on Giovanni.

Asher’s voice swelled, feral dominance filling his voice as he stepped into the position of Alpha. His honey eyes were darkening, heavy flecks of gold swirling in his gaze. Giovanni met his stare unflinchingly, his arms never once wavering from Breyona’s shaking form.

“Yes.” Giovanni answered, and I noted there was no hesitation in his voice. “Yes, I would.”

“And what is it you expect now?” Asher questioned harshly, though there was no malice in his words. “A place in the pack? You would join a community that holds nothing but hatred for your kind?”

“So long as Breyona remains, then yes.” Giovanni nodded, his arms tightening around Breyona.

I noted the way she looked up at him, comfort and love blazing in her hazel eyes. Something had dawned on me at the sight of them together. Breyona had been with him before, had met up with him in the past. I hadn’t a clue where or how, but love like that is not instantaneous.

The way she looked at him struck something within me, and I found myself wondering how different Vampire’s truly were to Werewolves. Asher was right, this town harbored much animosity towards Vampire’s, and for a good reason but they hadn’t a clue about my true heritage.

Would my own pack reject me if they knew what I was?

‘Asher?’ I whispered through the mind-link, even though no one could hear us.

His eyes remained on Giovanni, but his voice filtered through my head.


‘Do you trust me?’ I asked, and this time his eyes found my own. Confusion lingered in his eyes, but I could see in his gaze that he trusted me fully.


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