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Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa (Alaria and Alpha Enzo) novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 


Speaking to his father is the ONLY way to guarantee that we are going to get what we want and need, Alaria.Enzo said, and I nodded, knowing that he was right

But YOU speaking to him is not going to get you anywhere. He is going to believe that you are against Damon, especially after your conflict when he first took his position.I said, and he chuckled

You heard of that?” 

Yildez is the queen of gossip. You can trust her to deliver everything that goes around, even the information that happen in the office seem to get to her. It is a miracle that the woman doesn’t know about us being wolves.” I said, and Enzo chuckled. Anyhow, we were talking about Damon.” 

You speaking to Yarolsav is not going to get you anywhere, Alaria. The man is manipulative and he is not going to believe anything when it comes to his son, especially not Damon. And trust me when I say, the man is very much attached to his son that he treats him like the king that he is never going to be.He said, and I nodded in understanding

Then we are going to have to act based on that. The man is attached to his son, no problem; we are going to have to prove to him that he is not worth the attachment, and there is no better way to do so than to show the man’s true colors.” I said, and Enzo raised an amused eyebrow

As if that is that is the easiest thing.” 

This is the twentyfist century, Enzo,I said, and he smirked, waiting for what I was going to tell him. I am going to speak to Yarolsav. Logically speaking, there is a high percent chance that he is not going to believe me. He might not even understand why I am doing this, you know, judging by the past and by me and you being divorced. The man refused to stand by my side when issues became too difficult, and it is understandable; he is, or was, your partner.” 

He is not going to believe me, he might even be denial and aggressive” 


And that is not a point that I want you to reach, Alaria. You are going to be alone and fighting the man” 

I think that you know as well as you know your name, that I can fight him off by myself.I said, stopping him. What you fail to understand is the fact that we are going to have to find different approach. Fighting the information to him is not going to get us anywhere.” 

Then? What do you plan on me doing? Recording any videos as calls and even phone calls are not allowed in the building unless it is by the landlines to ensure that nothing happens.He said, and I nodded

Then we use an encrypted line. One that they aren’t going to find, and he is going to hear the whole conversation.” I said, and Enzo smirked. You are going to go there with the approach of trying to help him. You never know, he might have a spec of good in him to allow him to wake up from the idiotic actions that he is taking. If that happens, great, if not, then Yaroslav is going to interfere.” 

With Jacob being around, I really need you to know, Alaria, him interfering is going to be harder than you think.” 

Leave that up to me. You just tend to Damon, I will take care of Yaroslav.” I said, and he nodded

Your wish is my command” 

I am not a princess nor are you my knight in shining armor.” I said, stopping him. Enzo chuckled and nodded

Deal, but if things get too dirty, I am going to end up shooting Damon. This is going to cut our work in half.” He said, and I rolled my eyes

Yes, because killing his son is going to have Yaroslav accept working with us.I said, and Enzo shrugged. Let’s just hope that things go as planned. Otherwise, we are going to end up dealing with things that we don’t want to work with” 




Here,” I said, looking at Yaroslav. You heard everything yourself. I didn’t need to tell you anything and you didn’t need Damon to deny it. You heard 

everything on your own.” 

That is a lie,he said, shaking his head, growing denial over what he heard. Damon is not foolish enough to be working with the man who has done so much harm to him” 

I think that you heard yourself that your son is going to be willing to kill even you for power. I don’t know how he has done it or why, but Jacob has 

brainwashed Damon. It is going to be up to you to wake him up before it is too late” 


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