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Alpha Hunter novel (Rayna and Hunter) novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 

Reyna Cruz

What’s happening?Tara beamed as she settled onto the grand chair in the garden, adorned with a blue crown and showered with charming bouquets. I couldn’t quite grasp the scene, but it seemed Hunter had orchestrated this event for her

Upon our return and as things calmed down, Hunter disclosed Jeffrey’s confession to me. I was genuinely taken aback by the revelation that Jeffrey had fabricated the data. It was astonishing to realize that the very ex Tara used to lament about, the one who prompted her to seek refuge with me, was none other than Jeffrey

Initially, I harbored anger towards Jeffrey, but then I started to feel that perhaps he had been deceived by her, just as she had deceived everyone else. Moreover, I felt heartened by the fact that despite the evidence seemingly against me, Hunter had come around and chosen to believe in me even before my innocence was proven

Little did Tara know, her deception had been uncovered by us, Hunter was intent on retribution, so he summoned her to the mansion, falsely professing his acceptance of her. She arrived eagerly, wearing a cheerful facade

I can’t stand her grin,” Mrs. Sparrow murmured in my ear, casting a disdainful glance at Tara, who occasionally shot me hostile looks, almost as if challenging me

Don’t worry, we won’t have to put up with her after today,I assured Mrs. Sparrow, who chuckled, causing Tara to forrow her brow

What are you two smirking about?she demanded, tapping her foot impatiently. Hunter was occupied with the council members, while the pack members began to take their seats in anticipation of Tara’s marking,” or so she believed

Nothing much. I just can’t wrap my head around how ecstatic you are to be the second choice mate of someone who hasn’t moved on from their first, I remarked casually, elegantly shrugging. The crimson gown, adorning me had been handpicked by Hunter, and it truly was a stunning choice

Huh! I think you should ask yourself that question. Don’t you feel the sting of being discarded? Your mate is accepting me because he doesn’t find you sufficient. That must sting,” she teased, wrinkling her nose

Meanwhile, my son was happily playing around with the rogue king’s children on the grounds

Not really,I shrugged, but do you miss your ex?I asked, making sure to lock eyes with her, causing her to gulp as if she were trying to comprehend why I brought up her past on the day she was to be accepted by the alpha king


I am not like that. I have moved on. I love Hunter,she hissed, her hands resting on the armrests as she held her head high

Really? You don’t miss your ex at all? The same ex you couldn’t move on from, so you begged me to sleep with you at night?I retorted with a cocky grin. I remembered vividly how she manipulated me into believing she was depressed, all the while intending to keep me away from Hunter and sow seeds of doubt between us

It seems like you’re the one missing your ex. Don’t project onto me,” she pouted, feigning upset on my behalf

I nodded and sighed, averting my gaze while she eagerly awaited Hunter’s arrival

Hmm! Exes are meant to be forgotten,Jeffrey’s sudden appearance, holding a bouquet of black roses, made Tara gulp as if she’d 

Chapter 148 

seen a ghost. She quickly composed herself, pretending not to acknowledge his comment. While Jeffrey had earned a degree of forgiveness from us, Hunter had decided he would remain in the rogue community until he could fully earn his forgiveness

I understood Hunter’s perspective. Even though Jeffrey had been manipulated and deceived into betraying Hunter, he believed he was acting for the greater good. However, it also led Hunter to question his own ability to handle issues properly. Jeffrey should have communicated his concerns directly to Hunter instead of punishing his Luna Queen with fabricated evidence

Here, I brought you something that matches your heart, Jeffrey offered, presenting the bouquet of black roses to Tara. Her expression hardened as she glared at him, refusing to accept the bouquet. Jeffrey dropped it into her lap, causing her to gasp and scowl at him.. 

Don’t forget, I am the new Luna Queen. How dare you treat me like this?she snapped, grabbing the bouquet and tossing it to the ground just as the council members reached the stage. The bouquet landed at their feet, and they exchanged glances

Oh! I’m so sorry, I accidentally dropped it,Tara attempted to change her tone, but it was too late. As she bent down to pick up the bouquet, Hunter placed his foot on it, causing her to almost lose her balance

My love!she straightened up, whispering in confusion

Really? Are you addressing me or your ex?Hunter’s inquiry hung in the air, causing the council to grumble and avert their gaze from Tara They had been briefed on all her schemes before their arrival

Why is everyone bringing up my past so suddenly?” Tara awkwardly smiled, scanning our faces one by one

Your past has been a wellkept secret all this time. Don’t you think it’s time to tell us why your ex left you?Hunter asked, casually adjusting his wristwatch

II’ve told you all many times. He cheated on me,” she hesitantly replied, her eyes briefly meeting Jeffrey’s before she looked away

But you told me you were breaking up with me because Luna Queen Reyna had been poisoning everyone against me,Jeffrey confronted her, causing her to step back in shock, her hand covering her mouth

What nonsense is this? You’re not my ex, her attempt at acting was so poor that she appeared to struggle between looking angry and confused

Save it. We know the truth,” the council interjected, stepping forward. We can’t believe we were so frusting and welcoming to a snake like you. We’ve informed your father of your actions, and even he has agreed to punish you as we cannot. Therefore, your life will now be spent in prison.” 

The announcement of her punishment rattled her deeply. The crowd erupted into cheers as she tried to maintain her composure


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