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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Alpha King found her?


When I awoke, my vision was blurred, and my head swam with incoherent thoughts. As I fought back the dizziness, my eyes began to adjust, and images of the Moon Goddess and the Holy Moon appeared.

For a moment, I stared at them and wondered if this was the afterlife.

Had the bear managed to take my life? Was I… dead?

Suddenly, the room came into focus, and I recognized the mural I’d painted on my ceiling long ago. I wasn’t dead. I was in my bedroom, tucked tightly into bed.

How had I gotten here?

Suddenly, I felt the soft touch of a warm hand on my arm. When I glanced over, I caught sight of Marley.

“Oh Ca ssandra,” she gushed in pure relief, and her pale green eyes glittered with tears. “You’re awake!”

It took me a moment to register everything. I blinked a few times and then I smiled up at my dear friend. “H-hi, M-Marley.”

The effort of speaking hurt my throat, but I was so relieved to see her that it

didn’t matter.

“I was so worried, Ca ss,” Marley continued on, and she wiped a tear from her cheek. “So extremely worried.”

She then took my hand in hers.

“I’m sorry to scare you,” I managed to say. I wanted to comfort her further, but when I attempted to squeeze her hand, a sharp pain shot through my entire b*dy.

When I winced, she pulled her hand away quickly.

“Oh, Ca ss,” Marley uttered, and her eyes widened. “I’m so sorry, that must have


“It’s… it’s okay,” I said through the pain, and then a thought crossed my mind.

Where was my Finnick?

I glanced around the room, but my son was nowhere to be found. Panic flooded through me, and my heart rate increased exponentially. Had he made it out of that cave? And how had I ended up here anyway?

“Marley, where’s Finnick?” I asked, and my lower lip trembled as I choked out

I I the words. “What’s going on? Is he alright? And how did I get here in the first place?

“Hey, take a breath,” Marley urged, and her expression grew serious. “Finnick is perfectly safe. He’s back at the Pack House with the Alpha and Luna. They’re taking good care of him.”

“Is he h-hurt?” I stammered, and my vision grew cloudy with tears as memories

of the bear and the cave crashed over me.

But Marley shook her head. “Finnick is perfectly fine. He’s a little bruised but that’s it. Now, I’m serious, take a deep breath. Doctor’s orders. You’re in pretty rough shape and I don’t want you to hurt yourself further.”

It took a moment for the information to sink in, and when it did, I heeded my friend’s advice and took a long, deep breath. A few minutes later, when I was in a calmer state, another thought crossed my mind.

“Who… who saved me from the bear?” I wondered, and my eyebrows creased together. “And how did I get back here in the first place?”

A strange look crossed Marley’s face.

“The Alpha from Anemond brought you here,” she replied with a roll of her eyes, and she let out a small sigh. “He was the one who found you out in the woods.”

I gasped in surprise.

Asher Collins had found me?

It made a little sense, I supposed. Before I’d lost consciousness, the last face I remembered seeing was Asher’s.

Is it possible I hadn’t hallucinated after all?

“The Alpha found me,” I repeated back quietly. I attempted to sit up, but the effort sent another pang of pain through my chest, so I laid back down. “Wow.”

“It was definitely a surprise to get a call from him in the middle of the night,” Marley remarked. “When he explained the situation to me, he sounded like he was going to bite my head off or something.”

I frowned in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Marley sighed again, and she sat down on the chair beside me. “Well, he was extremely angry. He was super short-tempered with me and ordered me to get to the clinic-to help. I totally understand the urgency, and I would have rushed there in a second anyway to help you, but he was intense, to say the least. That being said… What he did really changed my opinion of him.”

“Really?” I asked in surprise and she nodded.


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