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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 246

Chapter 246 



Much to my surprise, Silas didn’t protest this time. He obediently nodded his head and after a long, lingering glance, the Beta retreated immediately. I’d expected resistance, but then again, Silas likely didn’t know how to deal with this situation. He was incredibly intelligent, but when it came to emotional hardships, he wasn’t well-equipped. 

Once he was gone. I gave Kane a cold glance and then a scoff. 

“What do you have to say to me?” I wondered and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. 

“What’s so important that you had to dismiss Silas?” 

Though I knew it was cruel of me to think that way, Kane’s weary face irritated me greatly. I knew I was being unreasonable and acting childishly, yet I couldn’t control myself. The stakes were far too dire and I wasn’t sure what was going on. 

I lost my temper when Kane mentioned Cassandra. Was my stepbrother trying to remind me how useless I was at this point? I didn’t understand his intentions, which only made my own emotional issues far worse. 

Perhaps my anger came from immense jealousy. As much as I hated to admit it, in the past, I had been jealous of any man who seemed to know Cassandra better than me. Kane, Kaleb, Rayden… I had been extremely weary and jealous of all of them. They all acted as if they knew her better, as if they could see through her heart. 

I felt exasperated. I could feel the anger in my heart contorting my face and body, consuming what little tenderness and calmness I still had left in 

If only Cassandra could see me now, I lamented bitterly, and I tried to summon the image of her lovely face in my mind. Her long, gorgeous hair, her full lips, her big emerald eyes… would such a stunning beauty still find me attractive? Or would she see a terrible monster before her? If I were to touch her, would she recoil? Would she find me the most despicable man alive? 

“If you want to stop me from going to the North, you should hold your breath,” I advised. “I’m not going to change my mind on the matter. As soon as I recover from my current condition, I’m going to resume my journey-” 

“I won’t stop you, Asher,” Kane cut me off with a soft sigh. “I know that trying to sway you in any direction other than your intended one is impossible. I just wanted to remind you that the stiffness of your body might reoccur, and you might not be able to recover any time soon. The next time may be worse, and I don’t want you to lose control of yourself.” 

I wanted to say some kind of retort, but before I could, Kane suddenly changed his tone. 

“I was jealous of you, Asher,” he admitted, and he took a seat on the chair near me. “I know that’s probably not what you want to hear, but I can’t keep it to myself. I was jealous of the fact that decided without 

you Cassandra. I… I would never do that. You always know what you want and would give up everything for your love.” 

any hesitation to go find 

He released yet another sigh. “I don’t know that I could have done the same if I were you. I would hesitate to things I was doing, like duty, responsibilities, and so on.” 

give up the 

My eyebrows creased together and I glared at him. “Are you trying to make fun of me?” 

Kane shook his head immediately. “No, that’s not what I’m saying. I mean… I’m jealous that I could never love Cassandra the way you do.” 

Anger swelled within me once again. The mere sound of her name from his mouth filled me with agitation. 

“I thought that Cassandra would do the same for you as you would for her,” my stepbrother continued, and he golden hair away from his handsome face. “Why would she agree to leave with Kaleb and go to Yurene? Was it out of 

swept his 


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Chapter 246 

responsibility for Wegalla? If so, what motivated her to save our country, one that made her suffer so much? I guess I just don’t understand this.” 

His violet-blue eyes were distant and wistful as he mused. 

“Don’t speak like you can see through her,” I said spitefully as I shook my head. 

He laughed. “I can see through both you and Cassandra even though you can’t do the same. Love has blinded you both and makes you insecure and distrusting of one another. Your relationship is wrought with suffering.” 

I fell silent and studied him for a moment. His tone had taken on a bitter edge, and I wasn’t sure how to react. Had mine and Cassandra’s love truly grown bitter as he’d suggested? Or was he basing this theory on my current temperament? 

“I can also see another reason why Cassandra decided to cooperate with Kaleb,” Kane continued on with a raised eyebrow, and then he gestured to my arms, which were covered by long sleeves. “Asher, did you get the disease when you were in Wild Crawler?” 

I glanced down at my sleeves and heat spread to 




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