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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Three months


A lump formed in my throat in response to Asher’s words. What did the Alpha King want to talk to me about?

I forced down my fear and simply nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

I glanced down at Finnick, and my son nodded as well. He took my hand and then I led him over to the meeting area of the study. Finnick sat first, and then I took a seat to the right of him, closer to Asher. Even though I knew nothing bad would happen, I wanted to put myself in a place of protection just in case.

Moments later, a knock was heard at the doors.

“Come in,” Asher called out in a regal tone. The doors opened to reveal a pair of servants holding trays. They quickly hustled over to us, set the trays down on the large ebony coffee table, and then bowed respectfully at Asher.

“Do you require anything else at the moment, Your Majesty?” one of the se rvants, an older red-headed woman asked politely.

Asher shook his head. “Not at the moment. Leave us, please.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the pair replied in unison, and without another word, they crossed to the other side of the chamber and left.

Once the doors were closed, my eyes fell to the trays. They were laden with a beautifully painted teapot, a few cups, and two plates of cookies, some of which I recognized as Finnick’s favorites. Beside me, I heard my son’s stomach rumble. It was around lunchtime, so it wasn’t a surprise that he was hungry.

“Please, help yourself,” Asher addressed him directly. His tone was gentle, and he gave the boy a small smile.

I was surprised by the exchange. Had the pair spoken before this moment? Or was this their first time?

Finnick stared at Asher for a moment and then shook his head. “Thank you, Sir,

but I’m not hungry.”

His stomach betrayed him yet again and let out an even louder rumble. Asher

chuckled in amusement and then leaned forward.

“They’re not poisoned, Finnick,” he said, and then his eyes darted to me. “Are you refusing because your mother told you I’m a bad guy?”

It took all of my effort to keep from gasping. Heat spread to my cheeks, and my hands began to shake at my sides. How did he know I’d said that?

I opened my mouth but no sound could escape. How could I explain myself?

Finnick’s eyes widened as well, and his cheeks flushed scarlet. He quickly looked away from Asher and focused on the marble floor.

“It’s nothing to do with my mommy,” he whispered. “I’m…, I’m just not hungry right now.”

The room fell into complete silence after that. A minute or so pa*sed us by, and Asher spent the entirety of it watching Finnick until finally, he softened his gaze.

“Alright,” he replied. I expected him to push the issue further, but was incredibly relieved when he didn’t. “Now, as I was saying, Healer Ca ssandra…”


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