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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Mess


I’d just laid my head down on the desk in my study when I heard a series of knocks on my door. For a moment, I considered ignoring them entirely, but à voice in the back of my mind told me that I had a duty to fulfill.

I was just so tired these days.

But the Alpha King couldn’t take a break.

“Enter,” I groaned, and I pulled myself back up. As the door, began to open, I ran a hand through my hair and took a long, deep breath.

Luckily, it was just Lancel. My most trusted guard entered the room quietly and as he approached my desk, his full eyebrows creased together in concern.


“Alpha?” he asked, his tone drenched in worry. “Alpha, are you alright?”

“Yes,” I answered quickly, though I didn’t exactly mean it. “Why ever do you

“Your skin is quite pale, Alpha,” Lancel replied worriedly. “You’ve got dark circles under your eyes and you look quite tired.”

“You sure know how to flatter me, Lancel,” I murmured, and I stifled a yawn.

“You haven’t seemed quite yourself lately, that’s all,” he said in a much gentler tone and he bowed his head in respect. “I just want to make sure you’re feeling alright.”

“You worry too much,” I teased him, and I gave him a small smile. The older man returned my smile, but deep down, I knew he wasn’t going to put his worry to rest.

I couldn’t blame him for being concerned. He was right- I wasn’t looking my

best these days, nor was I feeling my best. There was simply too much going on in the palace and my sickness was really taking its toll these days. I was so stressed by it all that I was hardly sleeping, which was only making the symptoms of my

condition worse.

I needed to speak with Healer Ca ssandra but I wasn’t too keen on the pleasure

of her company after our last encounter.

“Now, enough about me)” I said after I cleared my throat, and I straightened my posture. “What do you have to report? Have you completed your investigation?”

“Indeed,” Lancel said, and as he took a seat, I took a moment to get my nerves.

under control.

I’d sent Lancel on a mission to continue investigating the arson at Ca ssandra Keller’s home in Wild Crawler, and also to look into the healer and her supposed late husband. I’d been highly suspicious about the man and wanted to know more about Cas sandra’s past.

Part of me felt guilty about looking into her so deeply but the other part needed to know.

“Emmett Keller was born in Wild Crawler territory,” Lancel reported, and he held his chin up slightly as if he were giving a school report. “His parents were murdered when he was quite young. Apparently, his parent’s killer meant to take his life as. well. He kidnapped Emmett along with them and the rest of the Pack believed him to be dead.”

“Wow,” I murmured. “Continue.”

“He returned to the Pack when he was sixteen and settled back down in his family’s old residency,” Lancel said. “Everyone was surprised by his return.”

I frowned. Something about this didn’t add up.

“How did the Pack know it was him?” I wondered as I leaned forward on my elbows. “Did they check his identity?”


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