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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 65


Chapter 65 News from Kane

I rubbed my temples and tried to remain calm. I was spending more and more time in my study these days to stay away from those who wanted to incite more. trouble or drama around me. I needed to stay relaxed, but the disease was affecting me more and more lately.

Heat spread through me as my head pounded and I could feel sweat building up. I rolled the sleeves of my shirt up and when I did, I winced in surprise. The mysterious black marks had been growing significantly, and now there were some blooming up on my forearms. I wanted Ca ssandra to check up on them, but since she was confined to her chambers, my health check would have to be delayed.

I hadn’t expected any of this to happen. It wasn’t my fault was it? Kane had. warned me beforehand and told me that Adalyn was jealous of how I treated. Ca ssandra. I knew that she was wrathful and hell-bent on destroying the healer.

But what I didn’t understand was how I felt about the ordeal and furthermore, how I felt about Ca ssandra.

All my life, I’d been someone who was always in control. I knew what to say, how to say it, and how to keep things from escalating beyond their means. But ever since, I’d met Ca ssandra, my sense of control had started slipping.

Seeing Ca ssandra’s bandaged hand and finding out that Adalyn had wounded her made me furious beyond imagination. I wanted to inflict punishment upon my wife like no other. There was even a small part of me that wanted to kill her.

I’d only felt this intensely protective over one person before.


A thought crossed my mind. It was crazy and nonsensical, but the moment it entered, I couldn’t push it away.

What if Ca ssandra Keller was Cora?

Could she be?

Despite the inferno, the charred remains of Rosepetal, and the other evidence, I’d never believed that Cora had really perished in the fire. So what if there was some way she had changed her appearance and a*sumed a new identity?

My insane theory could explain why I felt so familiar with Ca ssandra the first time I saw her, why I wanted to see her all the time, why I wanted to touch her…

The idea was crazy. I knew that. But no matter how much I wanted to push it away and pretend I’d never entertained it, I couldn’t.

Ca ssandra Keller had looked so much like Cora at the banquet last night. The way the dress hugged her curves was all too familiar. I’d known that dress anywhere. It was the same Cora had worn to a ball long ago.

Where had Ca ssandra come across the dress? Was it gifted to her by someone, and if so, who was it? How did they come about an article of Cora’s clothing?

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I let out a small groan. I wasn’t in any condition to be entertaining any more guests today.

“Who goes there?” I called out as I rolled the sleeves of my shirt back up. I couldn’t risk anyone seeing the black marks that painted my skin.

“It’s your stepbrother, Your Majesty,” one of the guards called out from the other side of the door. “He insists on seeing you right away.”


I sighed. “Enter.”

Moments later, Kane stepped into the room and smiled at me happily.


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