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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 North King’s request


A gasp escaped me, and for a moment, I swore I was about to faint. My head spun and a huge knot formed in my stomach.

Had I heard the king correctly?

Emmett? My Emmett?

“I was devastated to hear that Emmett had pa*sed away,” Kaleb continued without ski pping a beat. “But now I’ve found you. I thought it was a coincidence that your last name is also Keller, but then at the banquet, you said you were from the Wild Crawler Pack. Does that mean…”

His question trailed off and I knew I had to finally speak.

“Emmett was my husband,” I confirmed.

Kaleb nodded solemnly. “I figured as much.”

The room fell into silence as I processed all of this new information. Emmett had been to Yurene? He’d never mentioned he’d been to the North even once. In fact, most people in Wegalla never spoke about the North in general. Why had he gone there in the first place and what brought him to the former king of Yurene in the first place?

The room begin to tilt and I had to steady myself for a moment to keep from. swaying. Just when I thought I was past all of the secrets and mysteries, I was being dealt another.

Kaleb studied me but gave me a little bit to think about everything. I appreciated his patience, but I struggled to find the right words to say. I couldn’t betray too much. It would seem strange for a wife to know so little about her husband, though I could simply pa*s it off if I needed to.

Most importantly, I needed to find a way to convince Kaleb that my going to his country wasn’t a good idea.

“I’m not as talented a healer as Emmett was,” I said softly. “I want to help, but

I’m afraid I won’t be able to.”

“Please hear me out, Ca ssandra,” Kaleb pleaded in an equally gentle tone. “The disease is… strange.”

Before I could protest further, my lips curled into a frown. “What do you mean? How so?”

“It begins slowly enough,” he explained, and he got a distant look in his eyes. “My father first began to suffer some headaches. They were few at first, but then they began to progress and they became more frequent. His skin lost most of its color, and then these strange marks began to appear.”

“Marks?” I asked, and my eyes began to widen.

Kaleb nodded solemnly and gestured at his forearms. “All along here. Just like the headaches, they were few at first and then multiplied. Deep black marks.”

I gasped.

Black marks.

It was the same disease that plagued Wild Crawler and the Alpha King.


expression grew alarmed at the sudden sound, and his lips parted, but he didn’t say anything else. He waited patiently with a knowing look on his face.


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