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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 142

Precious Bond Ch 1. Mates

Takes place shortly after the epilogues of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire & The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin.

I would recommend reading The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin before this novella. However, if you don’t, it won’t ruin the story.


The Untold Tales of the Alpha and Legacies




For our kind, your mate is a part of you, not just a partner, but your life source. The very air you

need to breathe, and the very touch and caress

you need to keep going. Their caress, their

voice, their promises; they become your life.

But what happens when they are suddenly

ripped from you with no warning? 2

What happens when they tell you they’ll be there for that movie and dinner date tonight,

only for their lifeless, mutilated body to be brought to you? 1

What happens when your entire world is ripped apart, and you’re left wondering why me?

Mates are a beautiful thing, yet equally deadly as they are beautiful.

My life was perfect from the moment he stepped into it. Every day was filled with happiness and

love until it was not.

In seconds, it became a living nightmare when he left me all alone… or so I thought

Because even as he parted, he left me something

to hold on to, as if knowing that without him I’ll die. As if he knew I needed something that would make me try to live.

Something strong enough for me to try to surface the deep dark waters that were drowning me. They were meant to be my emotions, but they began to suffocate me until I

began fighting for his parting gift…

But it wasn’t easy… it’s never easy…

Less than two years ago I lost my mate, my all…

My husband, Shane Dunn. 3

A sharp wind blows through my brown hair, and

I brush my fingers through it as I look at my son, Shane, named after his father. He’s fifteen months now and the spitting image of his


He has blond hair and grey eyes. His eyes might be a mix of both of ours as my own are a greyish blue, but otherwise, he is a mini version of his


He’s currently kicking a ball around in the garden of our home, one which Shane and I

lived in after we got married. There have been

moments it’s all felt overwhelming – that I want to leave it… but then, I can’t bring myself

  1. It’s all I have left of him.

Sometimes I feel as if he’ll open the door and come back. With some wild reason that he had

to stay on the down low for a while for some crazy mission and it’s why he faked his death, but he was fine all along. But who am I kidding?

It never happens. I buried him.

The creak of footsteps behind me makes me sit

up straight, but I don’t turn, even when his cinnamon and earthy scent hit me.

I know who it is. His footsteps have been around here so often that I can recognise them


“You’re back… weren’t you on a job?” I ask, not taking my eyes off my little one.

He walks past me, and I glance up. He’s in cargo pants, tan boots and a fitted black shirt that hugs his muscular physique and I realise he must have just gotten back.

“I just got back a while ago. Shane!” He says as he walks over to my little one, crouching down

and spreading his arms for him.

Shane’s eyes widen in happiness before he runs into his arms, laughing.

I can’t help but feel happy seeing how happy my Shane is.

“You didn’t need to rush over, you should have gotten some rest first,” I say quietly to the

auburn-haired man.

He turns and looks at me with his sharp

andalusite green eyes that remind me of


“I wanted to,” he says.

I look away, crossing my arms. It’s a little chilly. I should have grabbed a hoodie…

“You don’t need to be so worried about us. I’m not suicidal.” I say as I stand up and motion Shane over. Jax cocks a brow. A strand of his

auburn hair falls over his forehead as he stands

“Oh yeah? Good to know, doesn’t mean I trust you. You look like you want to kill something.”

“You,” I say, poking my eyes out at him. “I’m

fine Jax, seriously. I’m actually off to train. I’m going to leave Shane with Mishiko.”

“I’ll join you. I could use a workout.” He says. I stop in my tracks.

No, he really doesn’t. The man is pure muscle.

He’s always trying so hard… he doesn’t need to though, he’s done his part, and he should just

carry on with his life. I’m waiting… waiting for that moment he rejects me… I was meant to once I was mentally coping better, but the more I see him, the harder it gets.

Jax and I marked one another to break the bond between Shane and me and I know I have begun seeing him as someone who is always there, someone I know I can rely on and that isn’t


“Do you want your ass kicked?” I say instead, as I scoop up Shane while he holds on tightly to the

ball in his hands.

Chapter 142 1


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