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Alpha Markus and Celeste novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 – Markus
Markus P.O.V.
Alpha, this is Gabriel. We rescued Ruby at the exchange but she and Danny got injured. We’ve alerted Dr. West. He’s meeting us at
the hospital. He’s lost a lot of blood Alpha.’
‘How the f**k did that happen? Don’t answer that. We will debrief later. We’re on the way there.’
I ended the mind link and saw Celeste looking at me with concern in her eyes.
“We gotta go to the Packhouse Hospital. Danny’s back with the warriors. He’s got Ruby and they are both injured,” She took off her
apron and took off with me.
We arrived at the Pack Hospital. We heard a commotion through one of the double doors and a woman screaming. We rush in to find
blood everywhere. The nurses were trying to tie down a she-wolf while the doctor was working on Danny.
“Ruby,” Celeste whispered.
“Go,” I urged her. “Maybe a friendly face will help calm her.” She nodded at me and ran to her side.
“Celeste? Did they get you too? I thought you found your mate?”
“I did Ruby, I did. The person you attacked is named Danny. He’s my mate’s Gamma. We sent him to rescue you.”
“Rescue? Omg I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I thought he was the buyer. They told me they were selling me. That they barely made any
profit off me,” she said, sobbing. “I didn’t want to die, Celeste. Please forgive me.”
“It’s OK Ruby, he will understand.”
“The hell I will! This is my favorite shirt! Ow,” Danny answered from the other bed. Dr. West was cleaning his wound. “She slashed me pretty good. Luna, I will need some food to get my blood count back up to normal,” he said, giving Celeste his puppy dog eyes.
Celeste just laughed. “I’ve got croissants in the making, I’m sure I can make a few croissant breakfast sandwiches for everyone.”
Danny grinned and I pinched him on the shoulder. “OW! I’m wounded, you know!”
Trolled my eyes, “I’m sure you’ll heal. What happened?”
“We noticed her getting the signs of a shift two days ago. We started tailing her more closely. Last night, we saw her being dragged out in the middle of the night. We’re not sure why they sold her before the full moon. We followed and video taped the exchange and
then we managed to get her from the buyer wearing hoodies. She was knocked out the entire time. I thought wolf bane. About an hour
from here, she woke up and freaked out. I was trying not to hurt her and she slashed me twice with her damn claws before I managed to
knock her out.”
“So what I think you’re saying,” I said with a smirk, “was that dealing with black market buyers was a piece of cake, but you were
wounded by a 19-year-old.”
“I was trying not to hurt her!” Danny said indignantly, making Celeste laugh until she had tears in her eyes.
“I’m going to go make breakfast. Ruby, I’m going to leave you with these nurses and Dr. West. They will look you over to make sure you’re well. Then we’ll have to talk to you about what is going on and what you want to do. OK? You’re safe. Maya is here too. I will have
her come keep you company when she wakes up.” Ruby just nodded, wincing as they put an IV line into her arm. I was proud of how she
took charge of her. She was acting like a Luna more and more each day, building her confidence the more she learned from Gillian’s
“Celeste,”Ruby said. We both turned to look at her. “I can’t have children. When I shifted, something happened and the pack doctor
was called. I was told that something went wrong with the shift and it tore my womb to pieces. The people that took me said I was useless if I couldn’t bear a child, so they didn’t care if I had a mate or not. That’s why I was sold earlier,” she cried. Celeste gave her a tight
hug and I saw her eyes flash with fire when she walked past me and out the door.
She left and I already missed her as I watched that nicely rounded ass disappearing through the double doors. She had filled in quite nicely in the few weeks she’d been getting proper meals. “Ahem.” Danny interrupted with a grin. I rolled my eyes again. “We got the video
My eyebrows went up at that. “Banged up job man. We will put together all of our data and present it the day after the Luna Ceremony. I’ll ask Celeste if anyone else is close to getting their wolf before we make the final decision.”
“So I can stay now?” Danny asked.
“Yeah man, rest. Tomorrow’s the full moon run.”
“Does that mean I get to eat more of Luna’s food?”
I rolled my eyes.”She only cooks twice a week. It was the compromise we reached. So yeah, you will enjoy her food more.”
“Awesome, I’ve been dreaming of that parmesan.”
“Well, I’m sure if you ask, she takes requests and so far, no one’s been disappointed.”
“Hmm, you think she’d make some southern fried chicken? I haven’t had a good one since my grams burned herself. Gramps threw away the fryer.”
“Won’t hurt to ask. Alright, I’m going to go look at the video. You gonna be alright?”
“Yeah it’s already mostly healed. She just got a good jab near an artery. Hurt like a bitch.”
Later that evening, we started to gather around the table. We were just waiting for Danny. Dr West had deemed Ruby too dehydrated and wanted to keep her for observation. Celeste had not only made breakfast, but after some begging from Danny, she also made
southern fried chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and biscuits. She even went so far as to make sweet iced tea.
“Damn if that doesn’t smell like my grams’ food.” he said running in.”Sorry, I’m late, I needed a show…er,” he said as he locked eyes
with Maya. He sat at his seat.
‘Who’s the tiny she-wolf?’ He mind linked me
‘That’s Maya, the other girl we brought with us when I met Celeste.’
“Hmm, she looks young’ he mused.
‘She got her wolf a couple of weeks ago,
I narrowed my eyes. ‘Why?’
‘Something about her. She’s quite pretty and smells like lemon merengue.’
Traised an eyebrow at him from across the way as he loaded up a plate,
‘Eat your food and stop ogling the poor girl. She’s been
through enough.
‘Yeah whate–OMG this is better than my gram’s. Is she available for rent?’
‘WHAT?’ I growled.
‘For some cooking. Get your head out of the gutter. You really need to mark her already so you don’t think every unmated male wants to challenge you for her.’
I’m waiting for her to be ready. We’re not all beasts like you. I didn’t wait 25 years for her to f**k it up because I’m impatient.’
‘Yeah, yeah, you’re such a gentleman.’ He grinned and then winked at me. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.
“Luna, will you marry me? This food’s delicious.” He smiled at Celeste. Atlas pushed forward before I could stop him. He grabbed Celeste and put her on our lap, “Mine.” he grumbled, and stuck his nose into her hair. I pushed him back but didn’t let her go back to her seat just yet. She laughed along with the rest of the table. I couldn’t stop the blush that rose to my face.
‘I’m going to get you back for that one,
I warned him and he just laughed harder. Celeste turned in my lap and kissed me and my
humiliation was forgotten.
‘You’re welcome’ he teased.


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