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Alpha Markus and Celeste novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 – Markus
Markus P.O.V.
I looked out the window towards the old retrofitted training building and sighed. After passing her GED, Celeste had started spending most of her free time over the last two weeks in that little building. She was always either training with Ashley, the witch my father had found trying to learn of her gifts and lineage, with Brittney, the female warrior that Gillian had assigned to her physical training, or meditating, trying to get her pyro ability to come forth at will. She still cooked twice a week, much to everyone’s delight. Mrs. Quinn had told me she was ready to take up her Luna duties as she was a natural. They still spent time together, but this time it was with Maya as they tried to plan everything for the Harvest Moon festival. I had been busy getting the entire investigation ready to present to the council in two weeks’ time and dealing with security measures for the ceremony. Celeste insisted on being at every meeting, insisting that as she had first-hand information on the pack, she might be of use. Between everything she had going on, we only had stolen moments to
ourselves for the last two weeks.
I knew how important everything she was doing was to her, to us, to our Pack and to her people, but I missed my Tuli. She was losing a bit of weight, much to my dismay. I knew she was not sleeping a lot, choosing instead to meditate to command a vision. I could also
sense her exhaustion when she left her defenses down. She was like a woman on a mission, but she wouldn’t share what that was. She
insisted all she wanted to do was catch up to what everyone else had growing up, but I could tell there was more. Atlas was also having
trouble communicating with Kara through their mind link. It made us uneasy and sad. All we wanted to do was be with her but she shut
us out of her bond. I could tell there was something simmering under the surface, but I had no idea how to help her and I had a bad
feeling that when it finally exploded to the surface, it was going to be bad.
“Are you listening to me?” Danny interrupted my thoughts.
“Huh?” I said.
“Is everything OK with the Luna? Maya said she hasn’t seen her since the day you took them to see the old Sky Moon Territory a week and a half ago. She said she’s responding to her mind links and her texts even less.”
“She keeps saying she’s fine, but I don’t think so. Something is bothering her and she won’t tell me what. She cries in her sleep sometimes but just says that she’s having nightmares.” I sigh, still looking at the old building. I turn to my friend, “She’s blocking her emotions from me.” He raised his eyes at that. “When she sleeps and lets her guard down, I can feel her anger, sorrow and fear, but every time I try to talk to her about it. She just says she’s tired and then goes off to do something. I don’t know what I did wrong. I thought she
trusted me, trusted the mate bond. It seems I was mistaken.” That was it. I finally said what had been eating at me for the last two weeks.
Did Celeste not love me and trust me enough to share her thoughts with me? Tell me what was bothering her and what she was feeling.
She had told me she loved me, but maybe not enough.
“Hey man, we have all seen the way she looks at you. That girl loves you. Even a brute like me can see that. We have heard stories but we still can’t know what these girls were feeling for the last 12 years. I can’t imagine being kept so weak that you couldn’t defend yourself. Being taken from your home and thrown into a pack that not only doesn’t care for you, but tears you down instead of protecting you. From the little Maya is willing to talk to me about it, Celeste usually bore the brunt of the beatings and mistreatments. Something inside you dies when you can’t fight back. Maybe this is Celeste’s way of taking that part back.”
I shut my eyes and saw her beautiful face sleeping at my side. She always looked like such an innocent and precious angel to me. I know she’s been through a lot and she needed to heal, but was that inept at helping her that she didn’t even try to share that with
Kara has some stories about what happened to them, but all she will talk about is after she woke up. That’s 11 years that Celeste had
to go through it all on her own. Maybe she doesn’t know how to talk about it –
Atlas suggested. He was desperate to have our Tuli back to
her normal self.
I looked back at Danny. I felt like he understood some of what I was going through, being mated with Maya.
“Have you had any trouble with Maya because of what she’s been through?” I asked.
continue. He sighed,
“Maya is sweet, kind and a little kinky.” He smiles. “She is perfect for me.” His eyes darken. “But there’s been a few things that have come up as we get to know each other. I can’t sneak up on her. The first time I tried to surprise her by wrapping my arms around her from behind while she was looking for something to wear, she basically jumped to the ceiling in fright and then cried for 30 minutes. The second time it happened, she finally told me that she almost got raped in a pantry by one of the warriors that had gotten drunk. If Luna hadn’t found her and knocked the guy out with a frying pan…” His voice shook with anger, “She refuses to be near me when I drink beer,
so I’ve switched to scotch. She said she associates the smell with the warriors of the pack and doesn’t want to remember what they
would do to them. She has night terrors at least once a week.” He smiled. “but then I also found out she’s been asking every Omega’s pups if they had enough supper. She only uses the credit card I got her to buy toys and books for them. She is always kind to the staff, helping them gather things up. Scolding me for leaving the towel on the floor for them to pick up.” He looked at me, “She’s a hell of a woman. I know it will take time for her to overcome 12 years of suffering but my grams taught me that when a woman needs time, nothing good will come from trying to rush it, so that’s all I can do. Let her take her time.”
“Well now who’s fallen hard?” I tease, then more seriously, I add, “but perhaps you’re right. I can’t do anything but give her time.
Hopefully I don’t f**k it up enough to get shut out entirely.”

“Celeste loves you. Just be next to her and eventually she will let you in. I would prepare you though, she had it worse than Maya.
The way she and Ruby tellit, Celeste was everyone’s shield against the entire pack. When she does let you in, be prepared to want to tear
apart that pack, but you can’t. It won’t be about you then. Celeste will need you to control your s**t and hold her. I’ve broken my fair
share of heavy bags trying to calm Dash after Maya will share something that happened to her.”
“Thanks for sharing. It makes it easier to know someone else understands what’s happening to our mates.”
“If you ever tell Maya I told you about all this s**t, I will absolutely deny it and poison your drink,” Danny said laughing He gets up to leave and turned at the door. “These women are warriors in every sense of the word. How did we get so f*****g lucky to end up with
“Beats me man.”
I finished some paperwork and then mind linked the cook to have a picnic basket ready tomorrow. I was going to take Celeste to a
picnic by the river. Wooing mate is always a good idea. Maybe Kara and I can also go for a run?-
Atlas suggested.
The next morning, I woke up and the bed was empty. I looked at my phone. It was only 4am. I got up and went to look for Celeste. I
followed her scent out the door to the old training building. She was standing in the middle of the floor, her back to me.
“Celeste?” I asked as I approached. She did not respond. Something felt off.
“Baby, are you OK? It’s very early,” I said as came around to the front of her. I stopped. Her eyes were on fire. She was looking at something in front of her. I followed the direction of her gaze, but there was nothing there. I approached her slowly. I was getting close
when she winced as if someone had slapped her. She looked back at the empty space and raised a hand. “I WILL KILL YOU,” she said,
eerily calm and fire flowed from her hand and hit the wall, singing the entire concrete wall. I could feel the heat of the fire flowing toward
the wall. “YOU WILL KNOW THE PAIN YOU HAVE CAUSED.” The fire was slowly creeping up her arm and up her shoulder. She was slowly
being covered in fire.
I realized then that she must be sleep walking. Looking at this place, it was clear that it wasn’t the first time she’d done this,
although she said she still wasn’t able to call up her power, it seemed she had no problem calling it while sleeping. I slowly brushed my
hand against her other hand, allowing the sparks to soothe the rage I was feeling through the bond. She shivered and her fire ceased
from her hand, her eyes returned to normal. She looked at me then. “Markus?” she asked and then fainted. I managed to catch her
before she hit the ground. I carried her back to our bed and texted Dr. West, thinking him asleep.
Text: Celeste seems to be sleep walking. Can we do anything to help her get a restful sleep?
He responded right away.
Text: We can get her some sleeping aids. How long has this been happening?
Text: I am not sure. I only noticed it today. I’ve noticed she’s been tired for about a week now. Perhaps this is why? Text: Possibly, would you like to bring her to get checked out later today?
Text: See you then Alpha
Ilaid in bed and caressed her arm. She sighed and curled into my arms. I sighed, remembering what Danny said. All I could do was be there until she was able to let me in. This wasn’t about me. This is about her being able to talk about what happened to her. Tinhaled her
scent and listened to her heart beat. Slowly, I went back to sleep, hugging her closer.


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