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Alpha's Regret-My Luna Has A Son novel Chapter 26

Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son Chapter 26

Valen POV

Everly thought she could just dismiss me and I would let her; she was wrong. I get what I want, and I want Everly. I refuse to be mated to some girl out of responsibility when I had a perfectly good but unwilling mate. My father would choke on his spit if he knew she was rogue, but I didn’t care. If she is my bond, then I trusted the Moon Goddess; she would not give me faulty one, Everly would be mine. I would make sure of that, everyone has a breaking point, and I will find hers.

I sat across the road with a smug look on my face eager to see the look on hers and I watched the tow truck pull up that I organized this morning. I already sent the health and safety inspector in and could see his car in the parking lot from where I stood.

Her truck was just an added annoyance. The beeping of the reversing truck instantly alerts staff something is going on, and I see Zoe Everly’s little friend rush out when she notices it backing up to the truck with the Hotel’s logo on it. Everly believes she can ignore the Mate bond; well, I will make sure she sees me every turn she makes.

Zoe waves her arms frantically at the driver. One of my men, Dwayne, ignores her as he backs up. The burly-looking man steps out of the cab and stops next to her, looking down at Zoe. I could just make out her telling him to leave that he was on private property.

“No can do love, this car has been ordered to be impounded for defects, ” He tells her, and I get out leaning on the hood of my car. The tow truck driver spotting me gives me a thumbs up, and I nod for him to continue, and he starts hooking the old thing up.

It didn’t take long before Zoe returned with a frustrated Everly in toe. She shoves the man as he starts hoisting her car onto the bed of his truck.

Dwayne looked at her shocked, and honestly, so was I. Not that she moved him. Dwayne remained precisely where he was, and she may as well have been a child pushing on a brick wall as she stood beside him.

Everly tries to snatch the contro11er from his hand, but he was holding it too high for her to reach. I found the pure rage on her face funny, and I couldn’t help but laugh, and that is how she spots me.

Her grey-blue eyes pin me where I stand before her lips press into a line and her hands ball into fists, she storms over to me in a raging fit, and I fold my arms across my chest just before she stops in front me.

I found her pint-size rage entertaining; her tiny body was no threat to me. Everly barely came up to my chin and had to turn her face up to look up at me. I smirk back at her, her eyes practically spitting fireballs at me.

Good thing she isn’t a witch. She definitely would have cursed me with the look she gave me. She could ignore me all she wants, but Everly can’t overlook in y influence in this City; she will give in.

“What the hell are you doing?” She demands, poking me in the chest with her finger. I snatch her hand, holding it in mine, and she tries to rip it free. Her

strength is nothing compared to mine, and something about that bothered me. What if someone grabbed her who wasn’t me?

It was clear she would never be able to fight them off. She growls at me, and I realize how non-existent her aura is, like she didn’t have one. Rogues had auras too, weaker and nothing in comparison to a pack wolf, but she had none, her growl meek, and if it wasn’t for the look of anger on her face, it might as well have been a purr.

“Let go, and make him stop, “

“Let me mark you, and I will,” I tell her, and she snarls at me, her canines slipping from her gums.

“Go for it, bite away; I don’t care if you want to mark me first. Either way, you will be mine, “

“You are bloody infuriating, this won’t win you any brownie points, ” Everly snarls, and I tug her closer before spinning and pressing her against the hood of my car.

Her breathing becomes harder as I press closer to her. God, her body feels good pressed against mine, her scent making my mouth water, and I fight the urge to push my face into her neck, losing the battle completely when I do, but she gasps and I feel her pulse beating against my lips.

Everly’s hand still clutched in mine loosens, and her body goes slack against me when I press closer to her. Her breathing intensifies as I run my nose along the column of her throat to her ear. So warm and enticing. Her heart is pounding in her chest when I feel her other hand grip the front of my shirt feebly.

I could tell she was trying to fight off the effects of the bond, telling her to give in. Telling her to give herself to me, to an Alpha. The vibration of my purr rattles my chest, and before I could stop myself. I ran my tongue across her neck. I groaned at the taste of her skin on the tip of my tongue.

Damn, she tasted better than her scent, and I wanted to devour her. However, the action seems to snap her back, and she tries to shove me off, fighting against me. I pull back to look at her, only for her palm to connect with my face.

My cheek stings from her slap, and if looks could kill, I would be reduced to dust. “Get off me, you brute, “

I rub my cheek with my hand. Her slap made my skin tingle and burn, but I don’t move away from her.

Instead, looking over my shoulder to see the tow truck leaving with her vehicle on the back.

“Well, seems like you need a lift to the impound yard?” She growls at me, and I purr back at her before she starts smacking my chest and I raise an eyebrow at her. She makes a noise of frustration before glaring at me and fixing her hair putting herself back together like she didn’t just chuck a hissy fit in public.

“I swear, Valen. You will regret doing that. Tell him to bring it back now. That truck has sentimental value. It was given to me by someone I cared about. Now ring him, and undo it,” I run my finger down her neck, and she shivers under my touch.

My cock twitches in my pants, seeing the effect I have on her. She feels the bond, she could deny me all she wants, but she can’t deny the mate bond.

“Not until you agree to be mine. If you want it back, all it takes is one little mark to sit right here, ” my finger stops where her shoulder meets her neck and my gums tingle. I desperately want to mark her as mine, craving for her skin to break under the pressure of my teeth when I give her my mark that would forever lay on her skin, telling the world she is mine.

“Valen, please, ” She asks, and I look down at her, her face turned, watching the tow truck move down the street, taking away her truck.

“It’s just a truck, Everly. If you want it back, you know what you have to do,” Her jaw clenches, and she turns to look back at me. My stomach sinks when I see her eyes teary like she was fighting the urge to cry. It was just a truck and an old one at that. It wasn’t even new why she would get so emotional over that old thing was beyond me.

“You have no right, ” She snarls.

“Maybe you forget who I am; I have every right. I own this city, and I say what happens in it, Everly. The sooner you realize that the better it will be for you; I could give you everything you ever wanted, “

“Not everything, Valen. You can’t give me the last five years of my life back, ” She says, shoving me away, and I let her.

“If you haven’t figured it out yet, Valen, I don’t care for your social status or your money; I make my own, I don’t need yours, and I certainly don’t want it.


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