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Alpha's Regret-My Luna Has A Son novel Chapter 41

Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son by Jessicahall Chapter 41

Valen POV

Valarian and Casey excitedly pulled me down the halls of their run-down school. The floor alone was filthy with scuff marks, and I shivered with disgust and had to fight the urge to start scrubbing the floor. The classrooms weren’t much better, the desks falling apart as the chipboard flaked, some kids were even sitting on milk crates. I looked around to ensure this was a school and not some homeless shelter.

Valerian showed me to his desk, and his desk was definitely the cleanest one in the room. I watched as he removed a white table cloth from his bag and set up his desk. His pencils sat neatly in a row as he placed each one out carefully. However, Casey opens her pencil case and upends it on the table, and I see him cringe before he glares at her and starts rearranging her pencil in a straight line.

I didn’t want to touch a thing in here; this place was a bacterial infection waiting to happen when the teacher came in, and I had to do a double-take of the woman. She indeed had a poodle’s hair, like she chose the style out of a dog magazine. It was short and curly on top, and then a poof of hair cascaded to her shoulder, her round glasses perched on the end of her nose. She taps her ruler on the desk, trying to grab the students’ attention when the ruler snaps, and she stares at it before tossing it over her shoulder. It landed in the bin, making me wonder how many rulers she had broken.

“Oh, Alpha Valen, and why are you here? ” She looks around nervously at the students like she thought I was somehow a danger to them.

“My son,” I tell her, pointing to Valarian, and she giggles. The sound was more like a hyena; damn, she was a strange lady. She waves me over, and I glance at Valarian, who rolls his eyes at her. I gave him a pointed look at his rudeness, but I now understood why he called her a poodle. I had to fight the urge to straighten her poofy hair as I walked over to her when I got a whiff of something that smelt strangely like weed, the kind you smoked. I sniff the air as I stop next to her.

“Are you high?” I whisper to her.

“You would be too if you had to teach this lot, want some, got a bit left,” I blink at her, she just offered me drugs, I glance around the classroom wondering if I imagined it, surely she didn’t? What sort of school was this?

“Ah no, but I, my son, and Casey will be leaving now, ” I tell her, motioning for both kids to come with me. Valerian starts picking up his stuff off his desk when the woman taps my shoulder with her finger. Which in turn made me glance at her.

“I’m sorry, sir, but you are not on either of their contact lists, I can not allow you to take those children, “

“He is my son, and I brought Casey here,” I tell her.

“Unless you are on the documentation, I can not allow you to remove them from class, and as far as I know, Valerian has no father. Everly Summers never mentioned you being his father; he is a rogue, sir and you can not just come into a school and claim a child as your own. We have rules and regulations. “

Rules, I wondered briefly what their practices were on drugs and teachers offering parents to get high. This woman was getting on my damn nerves; not only was she high as a kite, but she also looked ridiculous and was unfit to be teaching primary age children or anyone for that matter.

“Valarian, Casey, grab your stuff, ” I tell them. The entire class watched on as Mrs whatever her name frantically stepped in their way as they moved to the front of the classroom.

“Sir, I am sorry, but I can’t allow you to take them, “

She screeches.

Ignoring her I reached over and grabbed Valarian’s hand, tugging him gently over to me when her hand fell on my arm. The growl that tore out of me made her quickly step back away from me.

“Touch me again, and you will find yourself out there with the forsaken, ” I grit out, and she gasps. Casey rushes over to me, stepping beside Valarian and I turn on my heel leaving the classroom. This was unacceptable, and I couldn’t believe Everly would allow our son to be taught here by a high woman. What was she thinking?

“Where are we going, dad?” Valerian asks.

“Anywhere but here, ” I tell him stalking off down the hall. I slow my steps when I see both kids struggling to keep up with my long strides.

“Aw, and today is the show and tell; I brought Mr scruffy, ” Casey whines.

“You show Mr scruffy every week, Casey, ” Valarian tells her.

“I do not,” “You do too, ” “Na,”

“Aha, you do, every show and tell,” Valerian and her bicker on the way to the car.

“You can do a show and tell at home. Marcus will love to hear about Mr. Scruffy, ” I tell her, needing them to stop arguing while I thought of what to do about this entire schooling situation. When my phone rang, I stopped just outside the school’s entrance and pulled it from my pocket. Everly’s name pops up on the screen, so I answer it.

“Why has the school rang me to say you have kidnapped Valarian and Casey?”

“I have done no such thing. Technically I am still on school property, ” I tell her.

“Valarian’s teacher just rang me, Valen. Where is my son?”

“Beside me, with Casey, do you know his teacher is a stoner?” I whisper the last part through gritted teeth. She falls quiet for a second before I hear her sigh.

“Yes, most are, a lot of the teachers there are from the rogue commune. What do you expect?”

“It is unacceptable, “

“Well, I have not got time for this. I am in a meeting with….Ah… with someone, “

“That’s fine, I will watch them. I am not leaving them with her,”

“No, Valen, they need to be in school, and I am supposed to pick up Taylor today, “

“And who is this Taylor?” I demand. If she has a boyfriend, he will be very much a dead one.

“Huh, Macey’s daughter, it’s my turn to pick them up today, ” I sigh, looking back at the school before heading back into the corridor. I stop and look at all the open classrooms before glancing down at Casey and Valarian.

“You know which one is Taylor’s class?”


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