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Alpha's Nala novel Chapter 24




Both Howard and Axel yell upon seeing me. Then, without another word, they started racing towards me.

Frozen on my seat, I just watched them boys compete their way towards me. Until, it was Howard Martin Dyme, the big and muscular brother of mine, that got to me first.

He quickly picked me up from the chair I was sitting in with one swift of his broad, firm arms and started spinning me around.

"Oh my goodness! I have missed you so much, Hailey bear." He shrieked gleefully, still spinning around.

"I miss you too, Howie," I muttered, a giggle came out of my throat.

As he put me down and was about to greet me, Axel David Dyme - my tall and lean brother - popped in front of me and engulfed me into a long, bone-crushing hug.

"Hey! I was here first!" I heard Howard complain but Axel ignored him as he tightened his embrace around me.

"I miss you, my little Flower. Haven't you bloom so well and," he sniffed my hair, making me blush on his arms, "you still smell sweet... very, very sweet." He continued in a gentle, quiet tone.

Why the nickname now?

Since Axel sees me as a fragile and delicate sister, apart from the reason Mum calling me Lily, he thought it would be suitable to nickname me as 'Flower'.

I know, too cute... Let those eyes roll.

"I mi - miss you too Ax - Axel," I stuttered, trying to cool down my burning cheeks.

Though, it wasn't fast enough. Axel, after freeing himself from the embrace, chuckled when he caught sight of it.

"Still hating the compliments, Flower?" He asked while gently caressing my redden cheeks.

I swatted his hand away from my face.

"No. Ju-just the sniffing," I replied shyly, my eyes averting his delicate stare.

"Oh, just old habits." He chuckled again, "My apologies though." He's now scratching the back of his neck.

I smile upon seeing that.

"It's okay Ax. Just don't do it again, please."

He smirked.

"I'll try, Flower, I'll try." He promised and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

And there goes my blushing again.

"Dude, stop! She's getting red again." Howard laughed while grabbing Axel on his collar, pulling him away from me. Then, in Axel's place, Howard stand and gave me a formal hug.

"So, how's my Hailey be - oh wow, you look cute in pigtails. Did Mum do this?" Howard asked, feeling him touching the braid.

"Nope, I did," I respond casually.

"Oh, and where did you learn that?" He inquired after releasing me from the hug. His eyes currently studying my face.

The question, for some reason, caught me off guard, making my forehead wrinkled in question.

"Actually, I don't know. I just... well, I felt like I could do it. So, I did it and here it is." I slowly explained while touching my braided head.

Listening to this, I noticed Howard giving Axel a bothered look which Axel returned with a concerned gaze.

Then, both of them, at the exact same time, stared at me weirdly.

"What?" I blurted out.

"Hailey, don't you think that unconscious act is part of your memory?" Howard cautiously spoke the words and when my silver-gray eyes landed on his cyan ones, I saw he was uncomfortable.

"I'm" - I licked my lips - "unsure... I only felt it. Does that count?" I sounded uneasy now and my brothers noticed that.

Axel, with one swift motion, pulled me into another hug.

"Yes Flower, but don't think too much about it." Axel whispered, "We just wanted to know if it's still happening... the flashbacks. Any episodes this past few days?" He asks, feeling his lips moved on top of my head.

"Only one... happened today actually. But it's the 'normal' case." I told.

"What about the not-so-normal ones?" I heard Howard queried.

I lift my head from Axel's chest to glance at Howard. He looks far more serious at the second, that if you took one look at him, you may think he was angry.

"Nothing, for this month." I quietly replied, "The last one transpired a month ago, with the same voice, the same scene in the woods... The same" - I gulped - "screams of pain." I added.

They didn't respond after that, increasing the tension I was feeling...

Apart from the 'episode' I had undergone a moment ago, there are others that I have no idea about. Others that I, honestly, don't like recollecting.

Not that it hurts to remember, it's just unfamiliar memories to me. I can't even tell if it's mine or not...

To make matters worse, I don't even recall the time on how or the reason why I have this amnesia in the first place.

I just woke up one day and it's there; I just have it.



"We are very sorry, Flower." Axel cooed, his blue-green eyes were apologetic. "We were just a bit... disturbed, that's all. We mean you no harm." He added while tightening the hug.

I only nodded my response and from there, Mum called the boys for help in setting the table.

I didn't miss Mum's wink once the boys came to her side. As if saying she tricked them into doing the job and that I needed a break.


I let out a sigh, feeling relieved since I didn't just get away from the blushing and last-minute table set up, but also from the serious atmosphere, my brothers created from interviewing me about my unnerving flashbacks.

Mum knew how I felt for those recalls and as quickly as she can, she tries to avoid me from any conversation pertaining to that.

And thank Goddess for that...

All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Seth with Dad - both having a serious conversation while standing on the threshold of the room. Then from serious, Dad became upset while Seth became wary, which made my mind suspect something was wrong.

Though I don't know what it was - or if it was related to me, because somehow their demeanor still looked calm and collected as their discussion continued.

'Must be a casual talk,' I assumed.

Shortly after, Seth caught my staring and flashed me his signature full smile - the one that sparkles, like a diamond ring under a bright light. He then excused himself from Dad and approached me.

Unlike the two boys, Seth only greeted me and we made small talks about our day - no, I didn't tell him about the invitation being misplaced. It was my fault in the first place, so - to redeem myself, I will be the one to search for it.

Hopefully, I could find it...

Then, when I was about to ask regarding the plan on how to announce the truth to everybody, Mum called us for dinner.

As expected, everyone talked to everybody during the meal. All laughing and chit-chatting to update each other about the missed time.

I was barely participating in the conversations because one, I was more of a listener than a talker, and two, I just love watching everybody enjoying themselves.

The boys didn't give up on me though...

They kept on asking me some random questions to make me talk until they came upon topics regarding my work. They were truly pleased with the success of their attempt because I, eventually, opened up about my hotel industry life.

"Hotel work sounds hard Hailey," Howard commented after a long discussion about the overall work I do at the resort.

Not to mention the errands I fulfill for Ms. Dawn.

"And brain wrecking too," Axel gently interjected. "Though, Flower, it never really occurred to me that you have that kind of job; one that requires you to become a follower."

I frowned at that.

"Well, what did you expect a Personal Secretary does, Ax?"

"Don't take my words as a mock, Flower. Though, if it does sound like one, then I am sorry." He paused and sighed, "Yet, I did expect you in a higher position. One that allows you to lead and lets you make your own decision." He admitted.


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