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Alpha's Nala novel Chapter 26

Michael Angelo

The party didn't end well.

For me, exactly...

I didn't know what got into me but by the time I could comprehend what I was doing, all of the guests inside the ballroom were already cowering from me.

Like I was somewhat the DEVIL who came for their souls...

The same goes with my family, and how I despised myself after. Especially, seeing my sweet baby sister, Blessy, cry out of horror; it was her first time seeing me like that.

As for my men — even if all were terrified of me at that moment, they still kept on dragging me out of the palace. All were pleading for me to cool off the rage I was feeling by running around the territory.

Even in my fury stage, I heeded their request and left the mansion.

I knew, the minute I shifted and Bear's paws thundered inside the forest floor, that I turned BLOODLUST again.

I know it was stupid of me to let myself do it, to let my animal instinct take over and ruin the ball.

But what could I have done better discovering that there was a shrine of ‘her’, displayed on the throne where she was supposed to sit on?

Yes, a memorial shrine… for my late mate.

My lovely Mother thought it was a great idea to do that, believing that it would give me the best of luck in finding the ‘second chance mate’.

Sure, a memorial shrine serves that way — note the cold sarcasm.

Nonetheless, what made me see red was the notion that the shrine was also a way to give respect to Nala since I will be letting her go once I found a new mate.


That purpose, aside from being ridiculous, almost sounded like an insult.

And that, instinctively, triggered me…

All I could think of then was the desire to KILL.

It didn't help when Bear heard the reasons from Mom and instead of approving her work, he went apeshit; almost slaughtered two of our guards that were standing beside the thrones.

Thankfully, the said incident ended.

Two hours ago, to be specific...

After running for an hour and the other hour, hunting — don't ask, Bear and I finally came to our senses.

Furthermore, calmed down.

Currently, I'm just leaning against the round pillars of the mansion's verandah, feet nonchalantly planted on the edge of the marble banister while my arms are crossed in front of my bare chest.

I already showered and was wearing only my sweatpants. I thought that doing so could help me feel refreshed, stable.

You know, get my head a bit clearer...

However, to my dismay, I felt the other way around.

I felt horrible.


My mood was low and I was simply… lifeless.

The hollow that is inside of me, the one I was accustomed to sensing, still felt heavy and even with the earlier outburst, the empty feeling didn't go away like it used to be.

Instead, it grew; taking all the space of what's left of my chest.

I placed my hand on where I felt the void, which was on the area where my heart is. The heart's beating there, but too faint for me to even appreciate.

I sighed.

This was serious and maybe Lucky was right…

Maybe I was mentally ill and with that kind of episode that occurred hours ago, I couldn't help but believe that I was starting to lose it.


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