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Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Crystal and Theo) novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 


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After waiting for Rex’s response for a while, I finally got a response and I and Donald went over it as usual. I read it first, absorbing the news it contained

So, what did Rex say?Donald asked expectantly

He said he searched and investigated, but couldn’t find anything. However, he sent this…I read from the message. Then, I showed Donald the paper that accompanied Rex’s message. Donald studied it intently, recognizing the drawn figure to be a symbol

This is a symbol. He pointed out and I nodded. But what does it mean?” 

Yes, it is a symbol like you said. Rex mentioned that we should see if we can identify it. He also mentioned that he found another bottle like the one we showed him in Raina’s room.” 

Donald’s eyebrows furrowed in thought as he processed the information

Interesting. So, where do you think he saw this symbol?” 

I leaned back in my chair, deep in thought

I’m not sure, but it’s definitely worth looking into, We’ll need to investigate further and see if we can uncover any leads.I said

Wellit looks familiar.I studied it for a while more

You mean you know what it is?Donald asked

Not really. I’m trying to jog my memory for where I’ve seen it.” 

That’s good, but I suggest we don’t stress it too much. In cases like this, we consult the oracle.” 

By the oracle, you mean” 

Exactly! I meant the library and perhaps, the archives.Donald interrupted with a playful wink, indicating our 


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 119 

plan to delve into the pack’s resources to uncover the symbol’s meaning

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You don’t need to stress yourselves!Sidonnie entered with flair, like someone showcasing for a fashion 

parade. So much drama

Donald and I exchanged surprised glances, communicating silently through the mind link about Sidonnie’s unexpected appearance

Did you tell her about the symbol?I asked 

No, did you?He asked in return

Sidonnie noticed our exchange and questioned our reactions

What’s with the looks, guys?” 

We quickly composed ourselves, masking our surprise

Oh, nothing. We were just surprised to see you here. We weren’t expecting anyone.I answered

Sidonnie grinned mischievously as she dropped two books in front of of us


What are these for?I picked them up, staring at her face as she performed her drama, making me wonder what has gone over her

Well, surprise! Your answer is in these books.” 

Once again, we exchanged curious glances before eagerly picking up the books, ready to dive into their search for the socalled answers

What answers do you think we are searching for?Donald asked her, still happening

Answers to the symbol Rex sent, right

Yes, how did you know about that?I queried

nable to lay his hands on what was 

I had my way. I knew you both would be like this, acting all sneaky and hiding things from me. So, I made sure

got the message before it was resent to you by me.She winked at me, giggling

Emergency calls onlyOR

Chapter 119 

So, what did you find?Donald asked eagerly before I could question her action

That symbol is for Delilah.” Donnie began 

Delilahthe legendary witch?Donald and I expressed our surprise

Yes! Delilah, the legendary werewolf witch!Donnie affirmed

I never expected her to exist.Donald commented and I did the same

Same here. It’s always been a rumor for decades.” 

That’s because she withdrew from worldly affairs after losing her beloved one.” 

Sidonnie proceeded to narrate a story about Delilah.. 

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Legend has it that Delilah was once a powerful werewolf witch who roamed the forests, wielding magic beyond imagination. But tragedy struck when she lost her beloved mate in a battle against dark forces and she killed a whole clan of werewolves for revenge. From that day on, she retreated into solitude, leaving behind tales of her incredible powers.” 

I listened in awe to Sidonnie’s storytelling, captivated by the mythical figure of Delilah

WoahWhere did you get all that?” 

From the pack archives.She pointed to the book in front of me

You’re awesome, Sidonnie.” Donald was impressed by her

Sidonnie turned to me with a playful grin, expecting a comment from me too but I wasn’t planning on giving her 


So, Alpha Carlyle, what would you call me? A genius?” 

Not until you tell me how you’ve been sneaking up on me without my knowledge.I chuckled mockingly, heading out

I could hear Sidonnie scoff behind me as she ran after me with Donald walking behind her at a distance


Emergency calls onlyF 

Chapter 119 

Where are you headed?She questioned

You can have your way to know that too.I replied without waiting or looking back

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As agreed by both parties, after I sent a reply to Rex about our findings about the symbol he sent, I and Donald set out on a journey to Rex’s pack with the aim of asking him to allow us search for Delilah’s coven

Arriving at the border, we waited patiently for him

Do you think Rex will be open to our suggestion?Donald asked

guess so. We need his cooperation to get to the bottom of this.” 

It’s good, though.” 

What’s good?I glanced at Donald


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