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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 

Just what is the reason for them to shut me out? Just as Tessa was racking her head to figure out the problem, her phone started ringing. It was her old music director, Trevor!

As soon as the call connected, Trevor spoke first. “Tessa, have you been interviewing around?”

She was puzzled to hear those words. She had not told anybody about her interviews-even Timothy did not know about this. “How did you know, Mr. Oswald?”

He sighed. “We are all in the same industry, so it’s only natural for the other music directors and I to interact with each other. That’s how I heard that you’ve been interviewing everywhere.”

She was speechless and did not know what to say. She initially assumed that she had been very secretive about how she had been interviewing around. Even her younger brother was clueless about this matter, so it should have been impossible for outsiders to know. Who could have known that news of her being rejected everywhere had already spread throughout the industry? However, this was not the time to wonder why everybody knew about this. It was more important to know why this was happening.

She hesitated for a long time before asking in a hoarse voice, “But, why—”

“I know what you’re wondering. But, you’re such a smart person. Can’t you tell? You’re being targeted. None of the orchestras in Brentwood City would willingly risk being shut down by hiring you. Tessa, we’ve known each other for so long. I hope you give up on the interviews. No matter what you do, the outcome will be the same.”

At first, Trevor thought that she would understand on her own. Contrary to his expectations, he continued to receive news about how she was going around interviewing everywhere even though it had been days since she first got declined. She was stuck in a constant and daily cycle of attending interviews and being rejected.

Despite being rejected repeatedly, she continued running around and asking everywhere. She worked tirelessly, like a spinning top that could not stop. It was all in hopes that one of the orchestras would take her in.

He originally did not want to tell her such a terrible truth, but he could not bear to continue watching her struggle. After all, he was well aware of how hardworking and inherently talented she was. It was for this reason that she could not withstand such a shock.


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