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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 

Although he didn‘t know Sophia, as Scott listened to their conversation, they seemed to be sisters as well as enemies. Scott couldn‘t tell the difference. No matter what their relationship was, Sophia‘s remarks were too unpleasant, so he frowned with displeasure. 

Tessa said coldly, “What does our relationship have to do with you?” 

“Oh, Tessa, don‘t be so fierce. I‘m just worried about you, alright? Didn‘t you just break up with that Sawyer guy? You have found another one so soon. Does the Sawyer guy know? No, that‘s not right. He must know about it. Otherwise, he wouldn‘t have targeted you and made it impossible for you to find a job in Brentwood City. What a cheater!” 

Sophia acted like she was watching a show as she watched Tessa‘s expression darken even more, then she turned cautiously to look at Scott. “My sister‘s new boyfriend, don‘t get me wrong. I‘m not trying to separate you two. I‘m just telling the truth. Tessa is... How do I put it? Let me advise you. You think you know someone, but you really don‘t. She has a lot of men in her heart. After she hooked up with that person who cannot be named, she had all kinds of power and prestige. Now that he has a fiancée, I don‘t even know whether my sister was the mistress. In short, she was dumped. Sigh.” 

Tessa‘s face turned sour and she responded coldly, “Sophia, shut up. There‘s nothing going on between me and Nicholas.” 

“Look. Look. Her shame has turned into anger. I‘m really not lying,” Sophia assured. 

Tessa didn‘t bother arguing with her. It wasn‘t the first time that Sophia was trying to humiliate her, so it didn‘t matter if she tried to do it again. Tessa simply looked back at Scott. “Do you believe me?” 

Although Scott felt a little shocked when he heard these statements, it was so different from what he knew about Tessa. He hadn‘t known her for a long time, but he still believed her. 

He guarded Tessa behind him before he stared coldly at Sophia, who was being a real b*tch. “No matter what my relationship with Tessa is and what kind of a person she is, I can see it with my own eyes. You‘re a girl, how can you speak so unpleasantly?” 

Sophia sneered. “It seems that another one has been deceived by you. My sister has good tricks, but don‘t feel regretful next time for protecting her now.” 

Scott retorted, “I know what kind of girl she is and I won‘t regret it. I also hope that you can keep your foul mouth clean, Miss.” 


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