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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 293

Chapter 293 

“May your words come true.” Then, snapping back to reality, Scott passed a ticket to Tessa, smiling as he invited her. “This is the ticket to our performance. I hope to see you on that day.”

Taking the ticket, she broke into a smile. “Thank you. I’ll definitely be there.”

Seeing the pretty smile on her face, Scott was in a daze for a second but quickly jolted back to his senses and hurriedly kept his gaze away. Then, picking up his coffee, he took a sip to hide his gaffe earlier.

Meanwhile, Tessa didn’t realize that he was behaving out of the norm as she kept the ticket properly away in her usual handbag, and when she was done, Scott had already recovered.

Rubbing the rim of his coffee mug, he asked, “Why did you come to Vienna, Miss Reinhart?”

“I’m planning to further my studies at a music school here.” As she felt that there was nothing to hide, she told him the real reason.

Astonished, he asked, “Why the sudden decision to further your studies? I’ve never heard you mention anything about it before.”

A bitter look flashed past Tessa’s eyes for a split second as she heard his question. Then, she lowered her gaze and gave her coffee a gentle stir, saying softly, “Actually, it’s not sudden because I wanted to do this a long time ago. Unfortunately, many things happened back home, preventing me from doing so. So, to maintain my family’s livelihood, I could only give up on the idea temporarily. However, things are different now. I don’t have to worry over my brother any longer, and the situation at home is well at hand. So, it’s only natural that I decided to make plans for myself this time.”

After she finished speaking, she took in a deep breath and looked up at him with a smile.

Looking into her bright, dark eyes, he was stunned momentarily but later nodded in agreement. “You’re right. It’s time you make plans for yourself.”

Grinning, Tessa took another sip of coffee, and they started chatting about their shared interest, which was music. Since it was a topic that the both of them enjoyed, they were very engrossed, and it was already evening before they realized it.


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