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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 299

Chapter 299 

“When did the other party ask to meet?”

“Preferably, tomorrow.”

“I got it. Go and make the necessary arrangements for the job, then wait for further instructions from me.”

“Okay.” Edward accepted the order and left.

Nicholas tidied up slightly before picking up his car keys from the table and left in large strides. That evening, he returned to the Dynasty Gardens and brought the sulking Gregory directly to the Sawyer Residence. After all, he was going on a business trip for a few days. Therefore, he would not be at ease if he left Gregory at home alone. That was why he decided to send Gregory to his parents.

After making arrangements for Gregory, he contacted Edward and told the latter to meet him at the airport. That night, the two of them took an overnight flight to Europe. By the time the plane landed, it was already daytime in Europe.

After washing up quickly, Nicholas went to meet their client with Edward in tow. Their client was the CEO of Asiatic Inc., Mr. Harry Sullivan.

During the banquet, Harry and Nicholas chatted away happily. They clicked immediately even though it was their first meeting, as though they were old friends, not strangers prior to this meeting. Harry originally wanted to bring Nicholas to the clubhouse in the evening. However, Nicholas was not interested and declined the offer.

Harry was not bothered by Nicholas’ refusal and continued to invite Nicholas to other venues. “Mr. Sawyer, do you have an interest in listening to a musical performance? There is a performance in Vienna tonight. It will only take us two hours at most if we drive there. We can still make it in time.”

Being invited so graciously, Nicholas could not refuse without seeming rude. Thus, he nodded in agreement.

The concert hall was full of guests, and they filled every corner of the quaint and gorgeous building with a cultural atmosphere.

“President Sawyer, this way, please.” After getting out of the car, Harry made a gesture of invitation to Nicholas.

Nicholas nodded and followed Harry into the auditorium. Then, he saw the posters advertising the performing orchestra along the corridor. It turned out to be the Berlin Philharmonic. He raised his eyebrows slightly, suddenly feeling that it was much too coincidental.

Thats right. I should believe in myself. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Surprisingly, with each breath, she gradually became less nervous. She looked at him gratefully and smiled. “Thanks for comforting me, Mr. Brooks. I’m much better now. We’re going to perform on stage soon; I’m going to recheck my violin.”


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