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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 334

Chapter 334 

The facial expression on Timothy’s face instantly turned gloomy when he heard that. The aura surrounding him became terrifying as he icily stared at Amber.

When Amber met his terrifying glare, she felt a little unnerved. However, her years of tyrannicalness made her regain her composure. She even raised her chest and said, “What? You want to hit me?”

“Ha! Hit you? I’m afraid my hands will get dirty.” Timothy regarded her coldly in a disgusted tone.

Soon, his patience ran out, so he didn’t plan to waste more time on her. So, he directly walked past her from the side.

“Timothy, did I say you can go? Stop right there! I haven’t finished talking!” She immediately strode up to catch up with him and grabbed him.

“Let go!” He flung his hand away from her in disdain. Then, he said frigidly, “What more do you want?”

“What do you mean by that? Both of you destroyed Silas’ home! Shouldn’t you siblings compensate the family?”

Finally, Amber revealed the purpose of her coming here. There was mockery in Timothy’s eyes. I knew it! The members of the Reinhart Family won’t come to me if they don’t have something they want from me.

“I’ve told you. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it!” In other words, he wouldn’t compensate them financially.

However, she went selectively deaf as she maniacally said, “I don’t care. You siblings ruined the family. As a grandson, you must take on the responsibility of supporting me financially.”

Timothy could not conceal the revulsion on his face as he saw the bloodsucking leech Amber truly was.

“A few years ago, your precious son disowned the both of us! In other words, we have no obligation to support you!”


After saying those words, he no longer gave her the time of day. Instead, he immediately stopped a taxi on the roadside and left without looking back. Then, he

went directly to Sawyer Group.

Silas deserves whatever he gets. Plus, I never saw this “grandma” of mine when Silas disinherited Tessa and me from the Reinhart Family. But now, she suddenly comes to acknowledge me as her grandson when she’s desperate for money. What kind of sick joke is this?! Timothy couldn’t help but think.

Finally arriving at Sawyer Group, Timothy completely threw Amber out of his thoughts.

“Mr. Reinhart, right this way, please.”


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