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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 399

Chapter 399 Concerns

Timothy sounded concerned.

Tessa answered, “Soon, but I need your help.”

“What is it?”

“Nicholas’ leg is acting up again. You still have the ingredients for your bath, right? Send some over to him.”

Tessa went to the traditional medicine practitioner and got the prescription back when they were kids and Timothy was crippled. Not only could soaking in the bath could heal old wounds, but it would also improve sleep. It was great for the body. Timothy didn’t refuse her. He took a few days’ worth of herbs and went to Dynasty Gardens right away.


Nicholas and Gregory were having breakfast when Andrew came in with news. “Sir, Young Master Gregory. Mr. Reinhart is here.”

“Mr. Timothy is here?” Gregory said happily and jumped out of his chair.


Nicholas frowned at him. “Be careful. Don’t fall down now.”

“I know, I know.” That was what he said, but the boy still ran to the living room without a care in the world.

Nicholas shook his head helplessly and went with him. Timothy was on the couch in the living room, and Nicholas asked, “You’re early. Did you have breakfast?”

“I did,” Timothy said, and he told Nicholas why he was here. “Tessa is worried about you, so she wanted me to give you this. Make a bath out of the herbs, and it’ll help your leg, and you can sleep better too.” Timothy took out the herbs he packed.

Nicholas felt warm and fuzzy hearing that it was from Tessa.

Timothy left after he sent the herbs over. Nicholas asked Andrew to leave the herbs in the living room for him to use when he came back home at night. Andrew obliged.


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