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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Mother’s Love
“Mommy, I was wrong.”
She caved and apologized.
Hathaway snorted coldly. “The one you should be apologizing to is Tessa, not me.”
Kathleen’s expression turned dark upon her mother’s words. She really did not want to apologize to Tessa.
“Mommy, everyone in the orchestra would know that I’m the one who ruined Tessa’s violin if you make me apologize to her. How will I ever be able to have a standing in the orchestra from then on?”
Hathaway hesitated after hearing her daughter’s persuasion.
Seeing that what she said was effective, Kathleen continued, “Mommy, I promise to behave from now on as long as this matter is covered up.”
Hathaway’s expression remained displeased as she continued to stay silent.
Seizing her chance, Kathleen stepped forward, grabbed her mother by her arm, and behaved in a spoiled manner.
“Mommy, I was wrong. Since you’ve already given me a lesson both physically and verbally, please don’t ask me to apologize once more. Moreover, Scott absolutely must not know of this. Otherwise, he will alienate me even more in the future. I really do like him.”
Hathaway gazed at the spoiled Kathleen as she remained in anger.
It was just as Kathleen had said. Hathaway knew that if this matter were to spread, her daughter’s career in music would come to an end, and she would be cast aside in unimaginable ways.
When all was said and done, Kathleen was still her daughter and her heir in training. She couldn’t allow this matter to ruin her daughter.
“Just this one time. Otherwise, I will strip you of all your achievements.” Hathaway pretended to be serious and intimidated Kathleen.
Kathleen sighed in relief before immediately agreeing. In truth, she did not take her mother’s words to heart. After all, she knew her mother would never ruin her when her mother had already spent so much effort over the years on her.
On the other side of the door where the party was, Tessa was unaware of the mother-daughter confrontation.
She was about to rejoin the party but had unexpectedly met with Scott.
“Miss Reinhart, you went out?” Scott gave a slightly surprised look at Tessa. In fact, he had been searching for her right after his performance ended.
Tessa did not deny his assumption. “Just for a little while.”
However, Scott’s attention was on her reddened eyes as he stared blankly at her. “You’ve been crying?”
At this moment, there were peculiar sentiments creeping into his heart as he remained unaware that the tone he used was laced with a sense of heartache.
Tessa was taken aback for a split second; she did not expect Scott to suddenly pose such a question.
Nevertheless, she managed to put on a faint smile after composing herself. “It’s alright now. Thank you for worrying about me, Mr. Brooks.”
Scott nodded, and then followed Tessa along into the banquet hall.
As they were walking together, Scott remembered something he said before. “I’ll introduce you to the technician I’ve spoken to you about sometime later.”
“Alright. Then I’ll take you up on it.” Tessa did not reject his offer.
The two were talking when they saw Hathaway walking over with Kathleen in tow.
As Kathleen watched Tessa and Scott standing side by side, jealousy flashed in her eyes. However, she greeted Tessa with a smile as her mother was beside her.
“Tessa, my mother has something to discuss with you. Leave entertaining Scott to me.” Saying this, she forcefully dragged Scott away without giving him the chance to reject.
Tessa frowned at the figures walking away while feeling that Kathleen was acting rather peculiar tonight.
In the past, Kathleen’s expression would always be one of despise whenever she saw Scott and Tessa together, yet now she was smiling so affectionately.
Regardless, Tessa did not think too deeply about it as her mentor’s voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Tessa, we’ve found the culprit of the incident. This is not the appropriate place to tell you. Come with me.”
After that, Hathaway brought Tessa into the resting lounge backstage.
After they took a seat, Tessa hurriedly asked, “Miss Hathaway, who was the one who ruined my violin?”
“We’ve gone through the surveillance footage and found that it was one of our staff that accidentally damaged your violin.”
With an apologetic look, Hathaway recited the reason she thought up from a while ago.
As for the loss Tessa had suffered, she had already decided to give more performing opportunities to Tessa in the future as a form of compensation.



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