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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 466

Upon hearing Nicholas’ words, Timothy didn’t stand on ceremony with him. “In that case, thanks for having me in the next few days.”
Gregory clapped and cheered beside them. “Hurray! Now that Uncle Timothy is staying here too, I can learn programming from him every day from now on.”
Tessa smiled happily as well. Visibly moved, she turned to look at Nicholas, knowing that he had done so for her sake.
After coaxing Gregory to sleep afterward, Tessa returned to the bedroom to find that Nicholas had washed up and was sitting on the bed, reading.
Hearing her footsteps, Nicholas lifted his head from the book and said in a gentle voice, “I’ve run the bath for you. Just take a bath and relax after you go in.”
Tessa nodded. After taking a change of clothes, she turned around and entered the bathroom. After taking a bath, she felt reinvigorated indeed.
When Tessa lay down on the bed, Nicholas naturally held her in his arms.
Listening to the man’s steady and strong heartbeat, Tessa couldn’t help but wrap her arms around his waist. She said with a smile, “Thanks for letting Timothy stay.”

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Upon hearing her words, Nicholas looked down at the young lady in his arms. Suddenly, he turned over and threw his weight on top of her. Looking down at her, he said charmingly, “What I want is never just your gratitude.”
Tessa blinked her eyes. Letting out a chuckle, she hugged Nicholas around the neck and kissed him on the lips.
Nicholas’ eyes darkened. Putting his hand on the back of her head, he kept deepening the kiss.
The air in the room became increasingly dry and hot.
Meanwhile, Timothy had wanted to go downstairs to pour himself a glass of water. However, as soon as he reached the hallway, he heard a certain noise, and a blush immediately came over his fair-skinned face. As it turned out, Tessa didn’t close the door properly when she returned to the room just now.
Despite his unease, he walked to the master bedroom. Of course, he didn’t have the nerve to look inside, so he hemmed and said, “Tess, Nicholas, could you pause for a moment and close the door? Greg is at home. Don’t be a bad influence on the kid.”
Upon hearing this, Tessa, who had gotten all heated up at first in the room, instantly came to her senses. Then, her mind went completely blank. Oh, my God! To think that Tim caught me doing this kind of thing with Nicholas! How am I supposed to face him from now on? Having a guilty conscience, she immediately pushed Nicholas away with her face turning crimson. The next instant, she jumped out of bed and frantically straightened out her pajamas. “Uh, it’s getting late. Rest early, you two,” she said before fleeing the scene. Not daring to look at Timothy, she headed straight for her room, opening and closing the door in one fell swoop.
Timothy rubbed his nose in embarrassment.
Just then, an annoyed male voice rang. “Timothy!”
Timothy stiffened up subconsciously. Before he could speak, he saw Nicholas come out of the room with a dark expression. He said, “I think you’d better go back.”
“Because you spoiled my game!”
Timothy was utterly speechless. Raising an eyebrow, he replied, “Well, what about I take Tess home right away? Don’t forget that she’s not your wife yet.”
Upon hearing this, Nicholas looked at Timothy with darkened eyes. “Your sister will be mine in the future.”
Timothy raised an eyebrow while squabbling with him. “Like you said, she’ll only be yours in the future.”
With that, the two men engaged in a battle of words. No matter what Nicholas said, Timothy would counter with the same sentence.
Gnashing his teeth in anger, Nicholas glared at Timothy with increasing hostility, wishing he could beat the latter up.
Timothy could tell that as well, but he wasn’t afraid at all. He said with a mischievous smile, “Nicholas, I know you feel like beating me up right now, but if you lay a hand on me, Tess will definitely side with me.”
At a loss for a retort, Nicholas felt that Timothy had become bolder with Tessa backing him up. In the end, he was defeated; after all, he didn’t want to put Tessa in a difficult position. “What are you standing here for? Go back to your room and sleep,” he said. With that, he closed the door right away.
Looking at the tightly closed door, Timothy rubbed his nose in embarrassment.


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