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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 501

Chapter 501

"What do you mean?" Remus heard the difference in Nicholas' words and turned his head to look at him.

When Nicholas saw this, he also felt it was time for him to tell Remus the reason why he was being hospitalized this time.

He initially did not want to say it for fear of upsetting Remus. However, he felt that with Remus' insistence on having the Stone Family attached to theirs through marriage, he was afraid that Remus' stubbornness would germinate again if he did not tell Remus about these matters.

"First of all, I disfavor Hayley. Secondly, she has too many tricks up her sleeves. She'll do anything to achieve her goals..."

As he spoke, he deliberately paused. Then, he continued, "This time, you were hospitalized due to acute heart failure caused by medicinal antagonism and it so happened that it was Hayley who had sent the health supplements."

"Impossible!" After listening to Nicholas' words, Remus' first reaction was disbelief.

After all, Hayley cared a lot about him on most days.

Furthermore, Remus felt that even if Hayley had the nerves of steel, she wouldn't dare to act against him.

Nicholas had expected that Remus would have had such a reaction. Therefore, he handed Remus the evidence stored in his phone to check.

Sure enough, the proof was a picture of Hayley going to the pharmacy to buy two different kinds of health supplements that could cause medicinal antagonism when consumed together.

After that, Nicholas continued with a cold expression as he stood beside the hospital bed. "The staff who served Hayley resigned a few days after her visit and no one has been able to reach him anymore. Why would he resign if there wasn't something fishy going on?”

"This..." Remus was rendered speechless. However, he still did not believe that Hayley would be so audacious.

Nicholas gave Ian, who was beside him, a look upon seeing Remus' hesitation.

Ian immediately took the hint, stepped forward, and said, "Sir, Master Nicholas is not lying about this matter. This time, the cause of your hospitalization was indeed due to the consumption of Hayley's supplements. If you don't believe us, you can ask Doctor Sloan to come."

Remus still found it difficult to accept when he heard Ian's words. However, anger now clouded his mind instead of disbelief.

After all, he had already regarded Hayley as his granddaughter-in-law. Moreover, he also thought that he had treated her well, regardless of whether or not she was to become his granddaughter-in-law.

Nicholas did not say anything more when he saw Remus' gradually worsening countenance.

There are some things that Grandpa needs to think through.

Then, he stayed with Remus for a while and went back.

Only Remus and Ian were left in the ward.

Remus slowly spoke after he stared into space and pondered on the matter for a long while, "Call Hayley and the Stone Family and ask them to come over tomorrow."

"Yes." Ian nodded in acquiescence.

In Tompkins Residence, more than an hour had passed since the meal.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins were very welcoming toward Tessa and Gregory. They even insisted that Tessa and Gregory stay for a little longer.

Since it was difficult for her to refuse such kindness, Tessa decided to stay a little longer while accompanying Gregory.

It was not until almost 9.00PM that they bid Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins farewell.

"Miss Reinhart, come and visit us more often when you're free in the future. Bring Greg along with you."

Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins bid farewell to Tessa and Gregory as they walked to the door.

Tessa nodded with a smile as she carried Gregory in her arms. "Sure. I will visit you two when I have time in the future. Now, Greg, say goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins."

"Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins!"

Gregory was very well-behaved as he waved goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins while making himself comfortable in her arms.


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