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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 513

Chapter 513
Gregory was also over the moon.
However, because he was a child, Tessa had to follow him to the pool as his guardian.
“What’s your name, little guy?” The staff crouched down and talked to Gregory:
Since Gregory was not timid around strangers, he answered the staff with his crisp voice. “My name is Gregory Sawyer, and my nickname is Greg.”
“Then I shall call you Greg. Is that okay?”
Although he said those words to the staff, Gregory’s gaze had already landed on the Beluga whale.
When the staff saw this, they smiled and beckoned the beluga whale to swim over and interact with Gregory.
The whale swam over and let out ‘clicking’ sounds. It made Gregory, who was touching the beluga whale, smile happily, especially when it kissed him on the cheek.
As she looked at his bright smile, she immediately took pictures of these beautiful images with her phone.
Later, she sent these pictures directly to Nicholas.
In the meantime, Nicholas was discussing matters with Kieran in Sawyer Group’s President’s office when he received those pictures.
The moment he saw the pictures on his phone, he simply felt that those pictures had magically erased all his worries.
Among the pictures there was Gregory’s solo picture and a group picture of Tessa and Gregory. There was no doubt that both of them were genuinely happy as they smiled in those pictures.
In the beginning, Kieran was talking to Nicholas about work-related matters. However, he found out that Nicholas didn’t even give him the slightest response after everything he had said earlier. Therefore, he could not help but look up suspiciously and discovered that Nicholas was staring at the phone with a tender and focused look on his face.
“Nicholas, what are you looking at?”
As he spoke, he stuck out his head out of curiosity. Then, he saw the picture on Nicholas’ phone and understood instantly.
It was just that he thought of another thing and could not help asking, “Nicholas, seeing that Greg and Tessa have such a good relationship, when are you going to tell her the truth?”
Like a shot, Nicholas’ expression froze. He naturally knew that Kieran was referring to Tessa being Gregory’s biological mother.
But-it’s just that it’s hard for me to come clean with her regarding this matter…
Finally, he lowered his head, looking at the adult and child smiling brightly on the phone; he caressed the screen. Then, he said slowly, “It doesn’t really matter what the truth is.”
“Are you for real?” Are you planning to keep this secret from Tessa?” Kieran was stunned.
Nicholas glanced at Kieran when he heard that. Then, he said solemnly, “Tessa has her own dreams to pursue now. As for the truth, we’ll talk about it when the time comes. Besides, I have to solve the bias our family holds against her. I don’t want her to face multiple obstructions just for choosing me as her partner.
All of a sudden, Kieran didn’t know what to say, and he had a complicated look on his face.
Nicholas continued regardless of his silence. “Furthermore, when that time comes, Tessa may not be as unburdened as she is now if I tell her the truth. She’ll not be able to pursue what she truly
desires, which isn’t the outcome I want to see. I hope she can realize her dream and stand on the stage where she belongs.”
“… Don’t you think you’re pampering her too much? As your brother, I have never seen you so attentive to someone else’s needs before.”
After listening to Nicholas’ words, Kieran simply felt that he really worried about Tessa too much. So naturally, this made him a little jealous.
Nicholas side-eyed Kieran when he heard that comment and his gaze seemed to be saying, ‘Of course, he was nowhere comparable to Tessa.
Kieran understood the meaning of his gaze and instantly felt heartbroken.
“Nicholas, you’re really pushing it right now. Who’s your biological brother? Me!”
Even so, Nicholas just threw him a look before lowering his head and continuing to look at the pictures Tessa had sent.
In the end, Kieran could only lean over and look at the pictures with him in resignation. But then, he happened to see the picture taken when Gregory interacted with the beluga whale.
As he looked at Gregory’s sunshine-like bright face, Kieran could not help but sigh, “I haven’t seen Greg smile so happily for a long time. Nicholas, share this picture with me. I’m going to send it to our parents and let them see it too.”
In this regard, Nicholas had no objection to that and shared the picture with him.
The moment he received the picture, he stopped bothering Nicholas. Instead, he sat on the side, held his phone, and showed the photo off to their parents.
Meanwhile, Nicholas sat at the desk and continued to scroll through the following pictures when he noticed his brother’s distraction.


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