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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 518

Chapter 518

Al that point, Philip finally returned to his senses and shoved the women aside angrily.

"Who arc you?"

He got up and stared at Nicholas with an aggressive look on his face. Just then, Philip felt that his authority was being challenged.

Meanwhile, Nicholas stared al Philip coldly, and he narrowed his eyes at Philip threateningly. "So you must be Philip Grayson, huh?"

"Yes, I am! Who are you anyway?! How dare you trash my place! Do you have a death wish?"

Philip strode arrogantly toward Nicholas and stood in front of the latter.

Initially, Philip had intended to direct some threats at Nicholas, but within the next second, he found himself hurtling into the air, then crashing into the wine table.

That caused everything on the table to fall to the ground with a resounding crash.

There were broken glasses and spilled wine all over the ground.

However, all Philip could do was clutch his stomach and groan in pain as he remained curled up on the ground.


The girls by the side saw everything, and they couldn't help screaming out in fright as they rushed out of the door.

Philip's buddies were significantly shocked loo.

However, Nicholas paid no heed to the others as he took several steps forward with a dominating aura that was quite terrifying, and he headed straight toward Philip.

As soon as Philip saw Nicholas headed toward him, he was so scared he almost pissed his pants.

He clutched his stomach and retreated, warning Nicholas, "Don't come near me!"

However, Nicholas merely shot him a look that clearly indicated he thought that he was an imbecile. Once again, Nicholas kicked him to the ground and stepped on his face.

"Let go of me!"

At that point, Philip no longer cared about the pain in his abdomen as he reached out with both hands to shift Nicholas' feet away from his face, but his efforts bore no fruit.

Nicholas continued to stare at him from an elevated position. Finally, his thin lips moved as he slowly enunciated in his menacing tone.

"Did you send some men to go after a girl and a kid today?"

Philip was caught by surprise, and his eyes turned shifty as he replied, "What girl and kid? I don't know what you're talking about. I’m warning you. You'd better let go of me right away; otherwise, once my men get here, I won't let you get away with this!"

Philip stifled the fear in his heart and threatened Nicholas.

However, Nicholas didn't heed Philip's threats as he pressed down harder on Philip's face. As a result, his actions practically distorted Philip's face.

At that moment, Philip was in extreme pain, and he realized then that he had encountered a problematic guy, so he quickly pleaded for mercy. "Sir, please forgive me! Spare my life, please!"

Nonetheless, Nicholas ignored him and continued to stare at the latter with a thunderous look while

exuding an extremely menacing aura. "Don't you dare challenge my patience! This is your last chance! Did you send someone to go after them or not?!"

Philip had already realized the tight situation he was in, so he knew that if he didn't explain himself, he would definitely not be able to leave this place in one piece.

So, all he could do was bob his head in response. "Yes.

I did send someone to go after a woman and child."

As soon as Nicholas heard that, the murderous look in his eyes became quite evident, and he exerted more force on Philip's face.

Philip sensed the murderous aura Nicholas exuded and no longer cared about the pain on his face as he pleaded pitifully, "Sir, I was paid off by someone else to do this! I didn't know that she was your woman. Please forgive me. I'm sure that you're not as petty as such."

At that point, Philip was regretful for taking the job. He would never have accepted this job if he knew that he would encounter such a troublesome character.

On the other hand, as soon as Nicholas heard Philip's words, a dangerous look flashed across his narrowing eyes.


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